Explore this case study about the Value Partnership with Hospital Nova. Learn about the various challenges encountered by the healthcare provider in Finland and find out how partnering with Siemens Healthineers helped them overcome these hurdles.
Hospital Nova in Central Finland belongs to the largest hospital projects in the country and faces challenges in their day-to-day work. These include coordinating stakeholders, aligning goals, managing the transition to unified technology, and navigating the unfamiliar landscape of public-private collaboration in healthcare procurement.
The pioneering cooperation with Siemens Healthineers is poised to empower Hospital Nova in delivering high-quality diagnostics, enhancing workflow optimization, and elevating overall patient experience. This newly established, first-of-its-kind Value Partnership in Finland combines the visionary strategy of the Central Finland Healthcare District, marked by a groundbreaking patient-centric approach, with the innovations and expertise offered by Siemens Healthineers.
Main results
- Provision of medical technology improves efficiency: Scan time in PET is reduced by 66% per patient.1
- Improvement of financial and clinical efficiency by usage of advanced technology.1
- Improvement of the patient experience and operational activities.1