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syngo.CT Coronary Analysis

syngo.CT Coronary Analysis provides the means for a thorough evaluation of the coronary arteries. It allows for rule-out of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) in less than a minute and for quantification of coronary stenoses. Due to the automatic pre-processing, the table, rib cage, and blood pool are automatically removed. As soon as the case is opened it is ready for review, thus saving many manual workflow steps and bringing more efficiency into daily practice.

Features & Benefits

Due to the high negative predictive value of up to 99% and low routine effective doses with the Siemens SOMATOM Definition family, the rule-out of CAD has become a safe routine procedure in many institutions. syngo.via’s dedicated automatic pre-processing immediately displays the coronary arteries in Curved Planar Reformations (CPRs) thus allowing for a rule-out of Coronary Artery Disease in less than a minute.

The Single Click Stenosis function gives you all relevant information at a glance, such as the diameter, length, and area of a stenosis, as well as the profile curve and minimum lumen identification. This allows not only for pre-surgical evaluation before intracoronary stenting or coronary bypass graft planning, but also for post-surgical evaluation for stent, bypass graft and vascular patency.

  • Automatic segmentation of the coronary tree and automatic labeling of the main coronary arteries, major coronary branches, and saphenous vein grafts
  • Comprehensive layout for display of multiple CPRs permitting the review of the coronary tree with the blink of an eye. The dual monitor layout ensures an excellent overview of axial slices and volume rendered technique (VRT) images. The user may customize the screen layout according to his or her preferences.
  • Calculation of the diameter, area, and length of a stenosis with the single-click stenosis function
  • Enhanced lesion and stent visualization with the Image Sharpening tool. Blooming artifacts are reduced while saving the time for an additional reconstruction with a sharp reconstruction kernel.
  • Robust segmentation of the coronary vessels despite high-grade stenoses
  • Comprehensive 3D visualization of the coronary tree, including layered display of cardiac and coronary anatomy
Rapid Results Technology
  • User-specific definition of customizable procedures that can be saved as individual protocols in the Protocol Configurator
  • These configured protocols can be re-used for an automated generation of snapshots, radial and parallel ranges for MPR, MIP, and VRT images (incl. VRT presets) in every case
  • Standardized image creation, including PACS series and filming, for time-saving in clinical routine
  • Ideal to share hints, tips, and recommendations both for educational purposes and in order to increase standardization

General Requirements

Please Note: Additional technical pre-requisites may apply. Upon receiving your request, your local Siemens representative will clarify whether your system meets the requirements.


syngo.CT Coronary Analysis is part of the CT Cardio-Vascular Engine that also features the applications

syngo.CT Cardiac Function,

syngo.CT CaScoring and

syngo.CT Vascular Analysis.