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syngo.CT DE Calculi Characterization

syngo.CT DE Calculi Characterization allows to characterize kidney stones, e.g. to differentiate between uric acid and non-uric acid content for more precise therapeutic decisions.


Features & Benefits

Clinical Applications
Identification of kidney stones and their morphologic characterization helps provide targeted therapy in the shortest possible time.


  • Urinary stones can be accurately characterized, significantly improving the treatment path for the patient as certain types of stones are resistant to shockwave lithotripsy. In addition, uric acid stones can be treated with oral medication rather than surgical extraction or shockwave lithotripsy
  • Simple and reliable differentiation of uric acid versus non-uric acid stones can avoid invasive interventional urinary procedures for stone removal or external shockwave lithotripsy - both of which are expensive and may result in renal hemorrhage, fibrosis or hypertension, reduced renal function, or injury of renal tissue
  • Improving workflow by avoiding lengthy and painful metabolic workup for patients with uric acid stones

General Requirements

  • SOMATOM Definition Edge
  • SOMATOM Edge eco
syngo.via VA11
syngo.via VA20
(for Single Source Dual Energy)

Please Note: Additional technical pre-requisites may apply. Upon receiving your request, your local Siemens representative will clarify whether your system meets the requirements.