Digitální řešení pro klinické specializace
Pomohou vám při poskytování a koordinaci péče o pacienta
V každé fázi zdravotní péče vám pomohou naše digitální řešení poskytovat vysoce kvalitní služby, které pacienti očekávají. Naše portfolio digitálních produktů poskytuje interpretované a na akci zaměřené výsledky, které vám pomohou urychlit rozhodování, optimalizovat léčbu a zefektivnit práci napříč klinickými specializacemi kardiologie, onkologie a chronických onemocnění. Správné digitální řešení vám umožní trávit méně času přechodem mezi systémy a více času na to, na čem záleží nejvíce: na vaše pacienty.
Pomohly vám tyto informace?
The applications mentioned above are performing tasks in the above described area. For detailed scope of supply and services as well as performance-descriptions please check the detailed product description.
510(k) pending. This information about this product is preliminary. It is under development, not commercially available, and its future availability cannot be ensured.
Siemens Healthineers is neither the provider nor legal manufacturer of the 3rd party applications in Digital Marketplace. Any claims made for 3rd party applications as well as the content and all warranty obligations are under the sole responsibility of the legal manufacturer and not Siemens Healthineers. The product names and/or brands referred to are the property of their respective trademark holders.
The product/feature mentioned herein is under development and not commercially available. Due to regulatory reasons its future availability cannot be guaranteed.
The products/features (here mentioned) are not commercially available in all countries. Due to regulatory reasons their future availability cannot be guaranteed. Please contact your local Siemens Healthineers organization for further details.
The applications mentioned above are performing tasks in the above described area. For detailed scope of supply and services as well as performance descriptions please check the detailed product description.