TrueVMaximum speed PET/CT technologies
Features & Benefits

TrueV high-speed technology widens the axial field of view (aFoV) and features 30% fewer bed positions when compared to a standard aFoV. With an increased peak noise equivalent count (NEC) rate of more than 60%,1 you can lower injected dose or scan time. For example, a scan time can be reduced from 20 minutes to 10 minutes or 50% less dose injected in the patient. TrueV equals ½ injected dose or 2x speed due to 60% increase in NEC performance.

Data courtesy of University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA.
Combine TrueV with ultraHD•PET
ultraHD•PET and TrueV as combined technologies make a five-minute PET scan possible–unprecedented for a routine clinical exam. ultraHD•PET + TrueV equals ½ injected dose and 2x speed due to 60% increase in NEC performance and a 2x improvement in signal to noise.
- 2x lower dose or 2x faster scan speed
- Increased organ coverage
- Increased system sensitivity
- Capability of either increased patient throughput
or improved image quality
TrueV + ultraHD•PET
- Provides 2x lower dose
- Offers 2x faster scan speed
- Provides 2x improvement in signal to noise

Hackensack University Medical Center
Case study
Read the case study on how Hackensack University Medical Center improved their PET/CT services by reducing wait times and costs with TrueV technology.
Technical Specifications
General Requirements
System | Other |
| Expected system downtime for upgrade is five days. |
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Compared to PMT based Biograph PET/CT scanners without TrueV option.
Biograph Horizon is not commercially available in all countries. Due to regulatory reasons its future availability cannot be guaranteed. Please contact your local Siemens organization for further details.
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