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Dot UpgradeUpgrade your MAGNETOM system with Dot. Go for consistent results, efficiently.

In 2009, Siemens introduced Dot workflow technology, which today is comprised of 10 Dot engines - loaded with Siemens' automation functionality and efficient scanning optimizations.
In 2014, with the latest generation of Dot - DotGO - all of the engines are brought together with the Dot Cockpit, a central exam user interface available for MAGNETOM ESSENZA.

The upgrade includes new hardware and the latest software version for approximately 1/5 the cost of a new system.1

The main components are:

Dot Cockpit – The key to intuitive protocol management

The Dot Cockpit enables you to optimize image quality throughout your exams in a given throughput requirement.

“…with DotGO, I was able to create a new protocol in 45 seconds”1,2,3
Anthony Pavone, Chief MRI Technologist
Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology, New York, U.S.

Dot engines – Quality results for each exam

Dot engines, such as the Brain Dot Engine, are available for various body regions. The Brain Dot Engine is standard and enables consistent brain imaging regardless of the patient condition – even if conditions change during the course of the exam. Brain examinations are standardized through less user interactions, greater ease-of-use, and patient-specific adaptations.

The following Dot engines are optional:

Latest MR applications with syngo MR E11 – Expand your MRI services

Dr. Jochen Hansmann

“We are really satisfied with the Dot Upgrade. The installation required very little downtime and our technologists were able to work right away with the new user interface.”2
Dr. Jochen Hansmann, Chief Radiologist
Theresien Hospital, Mannheim, Germany
