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syngo DynaCT Cardiac

New perspectives in the cath lab - 3D imaging by rotational angiography 


Siemens is revolutionizing the workflow for complex cardiac interventions by introducing syngo DynaCT Cardiac, which enables CT-like imaging of the heart with angiography during the procedure.
syngo DynaCT Cardiac enhances your diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities by enabling you to visualize cardiac structures like the aortic root, the left atrium and LAA or pulmonary veins in 3D, in the cath lab.


Features & Benefits

  • Create CT-like images of the heart in your cath lab using rotational angiography
  • High-quality 3D volumes for cardiac anatomy assessment, measurements, and procedure planning
  • Additional tools for procedure planning, overlaying 3D onto 2D, and fusing 3D volumes from other modalities

Technical Details

syngo DynaCT Cardiac utilizes images acquired from one rotational angiography run to display the 3D morphology of the ROI. Image acquisition is achieved in 5 seconds after injection of contrast agent into the ROI. The 3D image is obtained by 3D reconstruction on the syngo Workplace and is available for assessment in the lab within a couple of seconds after image acquisition.

Regardless of whether syngo DynaCT Cardiac is used with or without ECG-triggering, the three-dimensional cardiac morphology can be displayed as

  • Volume rendering technique visualization
  • Surface model (by using advanced segmentation algorithms)

syngo DynaCT Cardiac utilizes images acquired from one rotational angiography run to display the 3D morphology of the left atrium. Image acquisition is achieved in approx. 5 seconds after direct injection of contrast agent into the pulmonary artery. The 3D image is obtained by 3D reconstruction on the syngo X Workplace and is available for assessment in the EP lab within less than 20 seconds after image acquisition.

Regardless of whether syngo DynaCT Cardiac is used with or without ECG-triggering, the three-dimensional cardiac morphology can be displayed as

  • Volume rendering technique visualization
  • Surface model (by using advanced segmentation algorithms of syngo Electrophysiology Guidance)
  • Endoscopic view ("Fly") visualization

Additionally it is possible to visualize the detailed cardiac anatomy within cross-sectional images (MPRs).

How It Works

syngo DynaCT Cardiac utilizes images acquired from one or multiple ECG-triggered rotational angiography runs to display the 3D morphology of the heart. Image acquisition is performed during application of contrast agent in approx. 20 seconds.

The 3D image is obtained by 3D reconstruction including retrospective ECG-gating on the syngo X Workplace. The 3D image is available for assessment in the EP lab within less than 3 minutes after image acquisition.

Regardless of whether syngo DynaCT Cardiac is used with or without ECG-triggering, the three-dimensional cardiac morphology can be displayed as

  • Volume rendering technique visualization
  • Surface model (by using advanced segmentation algorithms of syngo Electrophysiology Guidance)
  • Endoscopic view ("Fly") visualization.

Additionally it is possible to visualize the detailed cardiac anatomy within cross-sectional images (MPRs).

Clinical Use

Why syngo DynaCT Cardia

Learn more on how to improve your diagnosis with syngo DynaCT Cardiac

Improve your Diagnosis
Guide your procedure - Gain effective information

Up until the introduction of syngo DynaCT Cardiac, planning of procedures like atrial fibrillation ablations was based on CT or MR images acquired before the examination. Morphologic information of these preprocedural images is limited by the time lag to the actual procedure. The preprocedural approach does not account for dynamic changes in the anatomical structures. With the introduction of syngo DynaCT Cardiac cross-sectional images can now be acquired in the EP lab to guide your intervention.

General Requirements

  • ARTIS pheno
  • Artis Q
  • Artis Q.zen
  • Artis zee

syngo X Workplace: VB21

Please note: Additional technical prerequisites may apply. Upon receiving your request, your local Siemens representative will clarify whether your system meets the requirements.