Jordan hospital team

Quadricuspid Aortic Valve (QAV) - 
A very rare congenital heart disease
Dr. Mohammad Hiari and Team, Department of Radiology and Imaging
Jordan Hospital, Amman, Jordan

Quadricuspid Aortic Valve (QAV) is a rare anomaly in cardiac valvular structure, characterized by the presence of four cusps instead of the typical three. The prevalence of QAV is estimated to be approximately 1 in 8,000 cases. Various classifications exist based on structural variations, with the traditional method established by Hurwitz and Roberts. Patients with QAV commonly experience cardiac functional abnormalities, notably a tendency towards aortic regurgitation.

Scan Technique

CT scans not only reveal valve morphology but can also delineate stenosis and regurgitation through 4D cardiac imaging. All patients underwent scanning using a SOMATOM Force Dual Source (DSCT) scanner manufactured by Siemens Healthineers in Munich, Germany, employing the adaptive prospective CorAdSeq mode. The prospective ECG-triggered sequence (CorAdSeq) protocol in DSCT aids in acquiring high-quality images. The highest native temporal resolution facilitated the study without the need for intravenous or oral beta-blockers. Imaging was conducted using Care kV (auto low kV adaptation) at 70 kVand Care Dose 4D (mA modulation), resulting in extremely low radiation dose and a minimal 25cc contrast medium usage.

Dr. Mohammad Hiari and Team<br id="isPasted"><br>