Tim Technology

Deliver exceptional quality and speed in MRI. With Tim.

Tim Technology

The newest generation – Tim 4G – is setting new benchmarks.

Delivering 4G Flexibility, 4G Accuracy and 4G Speed.

  • Up to 204 coil elements. Up to 128 RF channels.
  • Exceptional SNR and image quality with high channel coils and the unique RF architecture enabling DirectRF for true signal purity.
  • Excellent image quality with up to 40%1 reduced scan times. 

Features & Benefits

The only fully digital MRI.

Tim 4G systems deliver exceptional image quality by optimizing the entire signal chain. The integrated coil technology is more than just high-channel coils – it is a completely digital RF architecture with a unique DirectRF design.

4G Flexibility
  • Up to 204 coil elements with up to 128 independent RF channels for higher SNR and speed
  • Ultra high-density coil array for a scan range up to 205 cm with no coil repositioning
  • Light-weight, patient-friendly coils enable more flexibility in patient set-up 
4G Accuracy
  • High-resolution imaging from head to toe with high channel coils
  • Fully digital DirectRF architecture with transmit and receive components at the magnet for true signal purity and stability
  • TimTX TrueForm, providing excellent B1 homogeneity at 3T
  • ZOOMit powered by TimTX TrueShape - Zoomed imaging to see the details and making full use of parallel transmit
4G Speed
  • Easier and quicker set-up with improved Tim 4G DirectConnect and SlideConnect coils
  • Tim Dockable Table is mobility done right
  • iPAT3 allowing parallel imaging in two directions for fast data acquisition

DirectRF – fully digital design

Integration of all transmit and receive components at the magnet, enabled by the unique digital-in and digital-out design with fiberoptic cables between the magnet and equipment room.

  • Enabler for real-time feedback loops
  • Higher signal purity and improved stability
  • Enhanced image quality, less noise
  • Easier siting 

Real-time feedback loop

Dynamic feedback control of the RF transmit system for higher temporal stability and power linearity.

  • Exellent signal stability
  • Accuracy and stability in transmission 
Maximum of 84 coil elements in FOV with MAGNETOM Prisma and Head/Neck 642

Tim 4G coils

Tim 4G’s wide coil portfolio includes ultra-high channel coils and enables highest coil element density.

  • Designed for excellent SNR and speed
  • Designed with patient comfort in mind
  • Designed for optimized ease-of-use 

Dual-density signal transfer

Signals from two different coil elements can be sent with different frequencies on a single wire, unlocking the potential for higher density coils. The signals are separated again in the receiver to enable a unique 1-to-1 element /channel relationship.

  • Less signal interference, greater robustness
  • Higher SNR
  • Less and thinner cables enable easier handling of high-channel coils

The precision of Tim 4G enables you to achieve excellent image quality and speed in MRI.

Fast, high-resolution imaging 

enables Siemens unique applications such as CAIPIRINHA for ultra-fast breath holds or TimCT (Continous Table move) for a smooth workflow for large Field of View applications.

Larger and more flexible coverage

Up to 204 coil elements can be used in combination with up to 128 RF channels.

  • The extensive coil portfolio offers extended coverage and more flexibility in scanning diverse body regions
  • Dual-Density Signal Transfer enables a higher number of coil elements, higher SNR and 50% fewer cables 
MRI - Technologies, Applications and Design - Tim - Head/Neck 64
Head/Neck 641 delivers excellent image quality and speed, as well as a large coverage.
(T2 TSE, matrix 512, iPAT 4, TA 2:03 min, MAGNETOM Skyra)
MRI - Technologies - Tim - Patient Comfort

Tim 4G ensures patients enjoy the most comfortable scan experience.

Maximized patient comfort:

  • Tim 4G coils are light weight and flexible in use for increased patient cooperation and satisfaction.
  • Patient-friendly coil design (e.g. “holes” in the Body 18 coil for breathability)
  • Innovative open design makes it easier to handle immobile patients 


MRI -Technologies - Tim - Productivity

Conduct more exams per day with the Tim 4G productivity enhancements for faster patient set-up and easy handling.

40% higher productivity with Tim3
Change in productivity after a Tim upgrade at X-Leme Clinic in Brazil in 2006.

Tim Dockable Table

Additional increase in productivity with Tim 4G's Dockable Table.

  • Prepare patients outside the scanner room
  • Integrated Spine coil
  • Easy transport, comfort for immobile patients, and flexibilty in emergency situations
  • fits the needs for patients up to 250 kg supporting full weight capacity in vertical and horizontal movement

Faster set-up times and focus on the patient – with DirectConnect and
SlideConnect coils

  • Faster connections
  • Easier set-up
  • Less hassle 

Future Security with an advancing coil portfolio

  • broad coil portfolio, allowing to perform all applications from routine to advanced to help you offering comprehensive MRI services and high quality care to your patients.
  • new coil developments - keeping you always secure, always ahead 

Clinical Use

The superiority of Tim 4G.

Tim 4G sets the next standard in MRI and proves it every day,
providing excellent 4G flexibility, 4G accuracy and 4G speed.

… and our customers confirm it.

“Siemens again succeeded in setting a new standard of imaging”
(in MSK imaging)

Professor C. Pfirrmann, MD
University of Balgrist, Zurich, Switzerland
Member of Advisory Board Orthopedic Diagnostics

"Our initial experience shows that the images are exceptional, and the handling of the system and the patient will make MRI diagnostics much more efficient in the future. Thus, this opens the horizon for further integration of cutting-edge scientific developments into clinical routine”

Professor Stefan Schönberg, MD
University Medical Center Mannheim, Germany
About MAGNETOM Skyra

"The Skyra is going to change the game again. … because of the way they’ve redesigned the magnet itself, the RF system, the coil technology. All of that combined has allowed us to increase our throughput, and improve, while increasing our throughput, our image quality”.

Bob Day
Chief Technical Officer
Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology, USA



Tim has proven its benefits:

“Although Tim stands for Total imaging matrix, after experiencing the MAGNETOM Symphony with Tim myself I have decided that Tim stands for Total improvement.”

Dr. Johan Dehem
VZW Jan Yperman, Belgium

“…after the Tim Upgrade we reduced scan times from 30 minutes to 20 minutes....”

Dr. Heraldo Mello Neto
X-Leme Clinic, Brazil

“Now with Tim, I can change coils with a mouse-click.”

Lawrence Wald
Director of NMR Core Facility,
Massachusetts General Hospital, USA

“Tim is one of the most significant developments in MRI in the past ten years.”

Edmon A. Knopp
New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, USA

“With the Tim Upgrade for my MAGNETOM Symphony the image quality was increasing significantly. The results of the upgrade were exceeding our expectations.”

Dr. Franz Fellner
AKH Linz, Austria

“20% more patient throughput with Tim.”

Prof. Dr. Volkher Engelbrecht
St. Marien Hospital Amberg, Germany

“Tim technology is revolutionary! It has been instrumental and indispensible in jumpstarting MR Whole Body Imaging. This imaging strategy has matured and has a great potential to turn into a very significant examination in the near future.”

Dr. Gladys Lo
Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Hong Kong, China

Technical Details

The MAGNETOM portfolio for Tim

Tim systems deliver exceptional image quality and speed in MRI.

Tim Systems:

Upgrade to Tim 4G with “fit-Upgrades”:

MAGNETOM Avanto 1.5T

MAGNETOM Avanto Upgrade to MAGNETOM Avantofit

MAGNETOM Trio Upgrade to MAGNETOM Prismafit

Tim 4G systems: