teamplay myCare Companion

teamplay myCare CompanionRemote care management solutions

Chronic diseases

Chronic diseases place a large economic burden on societies. Healthcare providers and payers must find approaches to better manage these diseases. Research show that remote care management programs can have a positive impact on the number of unplanned hospitals readmissions5, on mortality5, overall costs and patient experience6. With teamplay myCare Companion, care providers can easily set up their own programs to better manage large patient populations. The solution effectively connects care teams and patients, supports information sharing and promotes a constant patient engagement.

Connecting care teams and patients
Through a web-based platform, providers and patients share relevant health information and a dedicated smartphone app promotes a structured patient engagement.

Scaling up patients, not staff
Providers can manage large numbers of chronically ill patients smartly with worklists that display tasks and activities of the day. AI-based decision support tools7 will help staff to prioritize and orchestrate their workload8.

Keeping patients engaged
An intuitive smartphone application promotes continuous patient self-monitoring and care teams can directly reach out to their patients via text messages.

Focus on your patients – we can take care of the rest
Setting up a remote care management program requires the combination of different components to make it efficient. If required, we can help solve purchasing, maintenance and logistic challenges such as setting up connected devices for each patient.

teamplay myCare Companion remote care management

teamplay myCare Companion remote care management

    * Not part of teamplay myCare Companion.
    ** AI-based tools under development. Not available for sale.
    *** Functionality is planned or under development, not commercially available, and its future availability cannot be ensured.

    Remote care management solution for COVID-19

    The highly infectious nature of SARS-CoV-2 requires effective quarantine to avoid further virus transmission. With many healthcare systems at the limit, staying at home and self-monitoring of health status may be the only option for health authorities to keep infected patients with no or only mild symptoms out of hospitals, GP offices and ERs.

    Top challenges for healthcare providers during COVID-19 pandemic

    Improve quality

    How to free up limited amount of hospital beds?

    Improve quality

    How to scale up for a growing number of COVID-19 patients with limited number of hospital staff?

    Improve quality

    How to monitor low/medium care COVID-19 patients with less resources?

    The remote care management solution for COVID-19 connects patients in quarantine remotely with physicians so that they can track progress of their health status. This frees up valuable resources for those patients who suffer from a severe course of disease9.

    Austrian Institute of Technology

    Most common indications for remote care management during COVID-19 pandemic

    • Patients with suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection
    • Patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection who do not require hospitalization
    • Patients who are discharged home following a hospitalization with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection


    Connecting quarantined patients and physicians
    Patients use an internet-enabled smartphone and enter their health data such as body temperature or oxygen saturation. They can also report their personal wellbeing and health status.

    Providing care in the safety of home
    Through a web platform, the health practitioners can survey health data of their patients as well as set the parameters to be monitored and threshold values. A configurable dashboard provides various tools to efficiently manage even large numbers of patients and to act quickly if needed.

    Keeping patients and staff safe
    By keeping potentially infected persons out of physician offices, ambulatory clinics, hospitals and ER’s, medical staff and other patients can be protected

    Keeping staff operational
    Clinical staff can also be monitored while remaining integrated in critical care scenarios.

    Benefits of remote care management for COVID-19

      *Measuring devices are not part of the solution.
