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Patient pathways in CT

Patient pathways for guided CT imagingSOMATOM go.Up with myExam Companion

Patient pathways

In CT imaging, each scan protocol contains many parameters. To attain optimal exam results, a subset of parameters needs to be manually adjusted for each patient and clinical indication. This can not only be time-consuming, but also result in inconsistent images because every staff member has a different level of experience and expertise – and their own work style.

Offering pre-defined patient pathways, myExam Companion easily navigates you through any clinical indication. Tap the full potential of the SOMATOM go.Up CT scanner and get consistent imaging results – independent of patient, case, and user.

Discover the patient pathways offered by SOMATOM go.Up

Low-dose CT imaging

Integrate complex exams into daily practice: Equipped with premium technologies, SOMATOM go.Up delivers results you would not expect from a routine system. Find out more about our Stellar detector, High Power 80, Tin Filter, spectral imaging, iMAR, and SAFIRE.

Stellar detector

• Reduced image noise in every scan
• Excellent image quality at very low dose thanks to advanced iterative reconstruction SAFIRE1)
• Excellent and homogenous image quality, even in complex areas – due to an increased channel density and a new geometry

Benefits include:
• Up to 50% less dose to achieve equivalent image noise compared with conventional detectors
• Up to 45% fewer streak artifacts through regions of high attenuation (e.g., shoulder)2)

High Power
  • Highest tube current in its class: up to 400 mA at 80 kV – thanks to the Chronon™ tube
  • Better iodine contrast for sharper images, even in small distal vessels
  • Considerably reduced contrast media lets you scan more patients, deliver better patient care, and reduce examination costs


Tin Filter
  • Unique technology from Siemens Healthineers
  • Ultra-low dose levels by cutting out lower energies
  • Optimized image quality at the interface between soft tissue and air
  • Direct benefits, for example, in lung and colon imaging
  • Reduced beam-hardening artifacts and improved image quality in bony structures

Spectral imaging
  • TwinSpiral Dual Energy is the next generation of dual spiral dual energy in clinical routine
  • Acquires data sets at two different energies to obtain both morphological and functional information
  • High image quality thanks to improved spectral separation due to the Tin Filter and better dose distribution
  • New workflow concept: two scans are integrated into a single acquisition
  • Integrates GO technologies for extra advanced automation

  • High-end algorithm reduces metal artifacts for better image quality without increase in dose
  • Can handle a wide variety of metal implants for smoother, more efficient workflows
  • Facilitates imaging of metal implants like dental fillings, pacemakers, and extremity implants

  • Iterative reconstruction algorithm
  • Delivers excellent image quality at low dose
  • Fast and simple to use
  • Can be easily implemented into daily routine

Smart CT technologies

The SOMATOM go.Up CT scanner features smart helpers to standardize and simplify your departmental processes – from patient setup to image distribution, archiving, and reading. Prevent repetitions. Skip routines. And dedicate your energy to patients and results.

myExam Companion
  • Launches the era of intelligent imaging
  • Helps users efficiently achieve reproducible results – by unlocking your modality’s full potential automatically
  • Guides users through any procedure, so they can interact easily and naturally with both patient and technology
  • No matter the user, patient or throughput, it helps generate consistently excellent results – and improve diagnostic confidence

AI-Rad Companion
  • A family of vendor-neutral, multi-organ augmented reading solutions
  • Takes over basic, repetitive tasks to support experienced staff in working at the top of their license
  • Identifies and quantifies relevant anatomies and abnormalities
  • Puts findings into a diagnostic context, for faster and more accurate diagnoses

  • Anticipates potential breathing artifacts
  • Lets you control scans remotely and check images, right after the scan, on your tablet
  • Up to three tablets can be used in perfect sync

  • Intelligent algorithm based on big data
  • Identifies potential errors with organ coverage and contrast media volume or distribution
  • Identifies the presence of wearable metal objects like belts and necklaces

  • Delivers fast and standardized results irrespective of the operator
  • AI recognizes patient landmarks and anatomies for automated postprocessing tasks
  • Reduces repetitive workflow steps
  • Even spectral imaging becomes routine with zero-click results
  • Fully automated recon process for any organ – including all vascular views for contrast-enhanced CT reporting

CT View&GO
  • Enables smooth reading in one workflow right at the scanner
  • Advanced CAD algorithms and applications boost diagnostic confidence
  • Makes communication within your department easy, since it automatically films and distributes images and results according to your settings

  • Brings our trendsetting Mobile Workflow to CT-guided interventions
  • Dedicated high-end low-dose technologies
  • Intuitive and flexible operation
  • The only tablet-based solution in the market