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Only clean business is Siemens Healthineers business

Compliance System at Siemens Healthineers

Our Compliance System is composed of three operating levels: Prevent, Detect, and Respond.

We focus on preventive measures like information, training, and clear regulations which are valid for everybody. Essential business transactions are reviewed thoroughly with regard to Compliance risks, prior to execution. Should there still be violations of applicable law, we will investigate the circumstances comprehensively in a fair procedure and then take appropriate disciplinary measures, as deemed necessary. The basic principle behind your reaction to each identified violation is: Every employee and manager is treated equally and recognized weak spots in the system will be remediated.

Channels for reporting concerns

Reliable reporting channels for internal and external stakeholders and the protection of internal whistle-blowers from sanctions help ensure that possible misconduct is reported, thoroughly investigated, and clarified. We provide several reporting channels to internal and external whistle-blowers to inform us about possible compliance violations.

Let Us Know reporting system

 Let Us Know provides a secure channel for reporting non-compliant or otherwise problematic actions 24 hours a day: online, anonymously if desired, and in several languages. We protect the identity of whistleblowers and follow-up on these reports.

The Siemens Healthineers Ombudswoman

Attorney-at-law Dr. Sibylle von Coelln from the Duesseldorf-based law firm HEUKING·VON COELLN, has been appointed as our external ombudswoman. Employees and third parties can confidentially and anonymously confide in this impartial professional should they observe improper business practices in the company.

Get in touch with the Head of Compliance, India

You can also get in touch with Deepa Priyadarshini- Head of Compliance, India to report any compliance related concerns.

Contact information

Dr. Sibylle von Coelln

Ombudswoman of Siemens Healthineers
Phone: +49 211 - 44 03 57 78

Deepa Priyadarshini 

Head of Compliance, Siemens Healthineers, India