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CLINITEK Advantus® Analyzer

CLINITEK Advantus® Urine Chemistry AnalyzerGreater Flexibility, Proven Reliability

The CLINITEK Advantus® Urine Chemistry Analyzer is a semiautomated instrument that provides flexible productivity for busy clinics, healthcare practices, and laboratories by streamlining workflow during peak periods. With a throughput of 7 seconds per sample, and able to process up to 500 tests per hour, the CLINITEK Advantus Analyzer delivers high-quality, reliable urinalysis results, to meet your testing needs.

Features & Benefits

CLINITEK Advantus Analyzer Clip board icon

Auto-Checks™ Technology*

  • Checks for humidity exposure to prevent reporting of false results*
  • Automatically identifies results only from validated Siemens Healthineers strip types
  • Improves data integrity, workflow and helps ensure quality results by adding sample interference notes
POC CLINITEK Advantus Analyzer thumbs up icon

User Friendly

  • Easy-to-use color touchscreen
  • Flexible operation: immediate start-up, automatic calibration, and network ready
POC CLINITEK Advantus Analyzer work flow icon

Workflow Efficiency

  • Throughput of 7 seconds per sample, and able to process up to 500 tests per hour
  • Improved workflow eliminates the need for manually selecting urinalysis strip type
  • Ability to consolidate microscopy results onto one patient record
  • Consistent, reliable results, with one-touch switching between test strip configurations
  • Bar-code data entry minimizes transcription errors
POC CLINITEX Advantus Analyzer computer icon

Data Storage/Accuracy

  • A total of three sieve functions – confirmatory and microscopic to flag abnormal results for quick review
  • Increased control with automatic QC prompting and QC lockout capability to ensure compliance
  • Convenient data retrieval for up to 500 patients by patient ID, and 200 control results


The CLINITEK Advantus Urine Chemistry Analyzer provides automated reading of the Multistix® family of urinalysis tests:

  • Leukocyte
  • Nitrite
  • Protein
  • Blood
  • Glucose
  • Ketone
  • Bilirubin
  • Urobilinogen
  • pH
  • Specific Gravity
  • Creatinine
  • Protein-to-Creatinine Ratio 

Technical Specifications

System Description
Semi-automated urine chemistry analyzer
Tests Measured
Leukocyte, Nitrite, Protein, Blood, Glucose, Ketone, Bilirubin, Urobilinogen, pH, Specific Gravity, Creatinine,‡ and Protein-to-Creatinine Ratio
Automatic Measurement
Urine color
Test Format
Dry chemistry reagent strips
Test Measurement
Color change measured by reflectance photometry
Dual readings at reactive and reference wavelengths
Automatically color corrects for Bilirubin
Sample Clarity
Results entered via keyboard or bar code reader

Auto-Checks™ Technology

- Identify strip types, simplifying training and operation
- Detect humidity exposure, ensuring data quality
- Check for common sample-interferences, ensuring result accuracy (not available in the U.S.)

POC CLINITEK Advantus® Analyzer Spec Sheet

To learn more about how the CLINITEK Advantus Analyzer helps to streamline your workflow and improve data integrity and quality control, and for details about proper dipping and strip handling techniques, please download the technical specifications document here.