Siemens Healthineers Biograph PET/CT scanners featuring Biograph Trinion

Biograph PET/CT family scanners

A range of options. A world of care.

The demand for PET/CT imaging is growing. Diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals are expanding, leading to increased requests for PET/CT imaging in oncology, neurology, cardiology, therapy planning and monitoring, and other specialty applications. Additionally, the need for a personalized patient experience and efficient workflow make having the right equipment essential. Our Biograph™ PET/CT family of scanners offers a range of options to help you deliver.
Biograph Trinion close-up image

Watch the journey and experience the excitement from the road as we delivered our first Biograph TrinionTM to customers—and shared the first glimpses with you.

Features & benefits

Biograph PET/CT systems offer: 

  • Optimal technology 
  • AI-enhanced performance 
  • Exceptional image quality 
  • Outstanding efficiency 
  • Limitless clinical potential
image graphic of PET/CT technology

In-house production across the entire imaging chain: 

  • We grow our own crystals 
  • We hand-select each crystal 
  • We build our own detectors
  • We integrate our own CT scanners 
  • We assemble and test on-site
  • We develop cutting-edge software
workstation illustration

AIDAN brings together key technologies:

  • ALPHA (Anatomical Landmarking and Parsing of Human Anatomy)
  • SMART patient handling system (PHS)
human icon

Deepen clinical perspectives

male illustration

Improve patient and user experience

hospital illustration

Optimize department workflow

artificial intelligence application in nuclear medicine - AIDAN Intelligent imaging platform for PET CT scan machiness.

Our intelligent imaging platform for Biograph™ PET/CT scanners that supports the demanding processing power of AI-based solutions. 

Artificial intelligence powered applications for Biograph PET/CT scanners. 

The AIDAN platform unlocks a host of advanced upgradable features:

Aidan flow motion - future of nuclear medicine

FlowMotion™ AI standardizes protocols and personalizes scans through a dedicated AI algorithm that automatically defines ranges based on each patient’s unique anatomy.

Aidan oncofreeze - future of nuclear medicine

With the click of a button, OncoFreeze™ AI delivers images free of motion without extended scan time or external devices. 

Aidan FAST PET workflow AI - future of nuclear medicine

FAST PET Workflow AI automates and simplifies image preparation and archiving. 

Aidan Multiparametric PET Suite AI - future of nuclear medicine

Multiparametric PET Suite AI is the first fully integrated solution to provide additional parameters and enable absolute quantification compared to SUV alone.

Enhancing your efficiency and patient experience 

Biograph PET/CT scanners are designed with the needs of your patients and users in mind. From software advances to bore designs, Biograph PET/CT builds on real-world imaging insights to better meet your needs and enable more focused and productive time with patients.

Clinical use

Learn more about Biograph family