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CT Dual Energy

CT Dual Energy

This advanced course is suitable for experienced users of Siemens Healthineers CT scanner systems who want to acquire a deep know-how on Dual Energy acquisitions using SOMATOM CT scanners. Theoretical content is supplemented by practical exercises in simulators, to illustrate and deepen learner knowledge. 

Course content 

Introduction into Dual Energy (DE) 

Basics of physical background (Mixed, Material Labeling, etc.) 

DE Scanning and recommendations 

Post-Processing DE Application classes in syngo.via (Mono+, BR, VNC, Kidney, Gout, Bone Marrow) 

Self-learning material in PEPconnect 


Experience in routine operation of SOMATOM scanners 

First experience with Dual Energy acquisitions is advantageous

Virtual Classroom Training

CT Customer Education Specialist

CT Technologists

3 days

Price on request