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ITT Certification Programs

Certification Program for Universities

On invitation from hospital groups and universities, ITT implements “Innovation Think Tank Certification Program” at their campus where participants (hospital management, doctors, medical staff, researches, students etc.) would be given training on “Experiential Innovation Learning” by Prof. Sultan Haider and ITT Team. The teams would work for 2-5 days (including training period) on the local institutional challenges and solution propositions. The winners receive a certification and, if selected, they are invited to the annual exhibition of ITT (eITT) in Erlangen, Germany. Based on the availability of a position the participants can also be given the opportunity of ITT fellowship programs globally.

Program & application information

Innovation Think Tank Certification Program in Latin America, Colombia 2023

Watch our videos to learn more about the programs.

Certification Program for Professionals

Innovation Think Tank Certification Program Professionals

ITT Certification Program for Professionals is an “experiential learning training” based on the experience of successful implementation and management of Innovation Think Tank programs and labs at Siemens Healthineers and a number of prestigious institutions worldwide. The interactive program is designed to develop creative pioneers capable of delivering innovative and customer centric solutions to the world’s greatest challenges in Healthcare in their own field of profession. 

Program overview

The program is divided into four modules:

Module 1: ITT Methodology 

Module 2: Leadership for Innovation 

Module 3: Entrepreneurship & Commercialization 

Module 4: “Learn by Doing” Innovation Simulation via ITT Working Documents 

Program goals

  • Understand customer needs and learn how to address complexity through cross-institutional collaborations and co-creation with other hospitals, universities and start-ups by experiential learning
  • Explore intrinsic creativity and make use of diversity for out of box thinking
  • Learn to be a part of innovation ecosystem
  • Gain hands on project experience, learning by doing
  • Expand your internal and external network of like-minded people, best practice sharing amongst the participants
  • Apply experiential learning to gain understanding of various innovation methods and tools

Program costs

4.000 €