Computed tomography is moving beyond its traditional diagnostic role to become a key player in early disease detection and therapy planning. This expansion means an even broader patient cohort and demands resilient productivity. Concurrently, we are all navigating an unstable environment, in which we face challenges around hygiene, supply chain, and staffing issues – with limited access to solutions when and where they are needed. You need a reliable partner that can help you traverse these difficulties with products, services, and the infrastructure to support new business models and prioritize environmental sustainability and robustness. With an almost 50-year legacy of listening, Computed Tomography at Siemens Healthineers is innovating far ahead of these developments, well before potential issues become needs.
You think
ahead. We innovate ahead.

You think ahead.
We innovate ahead.Computed Tomography
The products/features mentioned herein are not commercially available in all countries. Their future availability cannot be guaranteed.
Gupta R, et al. (2014): CT-Guided Interventions: Current Practice and Future Directions.
“Hybrid Operating Room Market.” MarketsandMarkets.