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Cardiac Molecular Imaging

Our nuclear cardiology solutions provide cardiologists with tools that enable the detection of early as well as advanced coronary artery disease, including delineation of myocardial infarction and assessment of left ventricular function and wall motion.

cardiac molecular imaging

With the empirical data from tens of thousands of patients, nuclear cardiology is an important tool for individual risk stratification, such as determining the risk of severe future cardiac events in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease. Together with our clinical partners, we have developed solutions that are critical in assessing myocardial viability before revascularization and the potential of functional recovery.


Myocardial perfusion imaging is a reliable tool for treatment monitoring. By using more and more specific tracers which reflect changes on the molecular level, nuclear cardiology and molecular imaging have an enormous potential in enabling sophisticated individual therapy assessment for stem cell or gene therapy as well as in detecting vulnerable plaques.