Radiología Intervencional para Accidentes Cerebrovasculares IsquémicosPara una efectiva terapia Cerebrovascular

Interventional radiological treatment is not yet a generally available standard procedure within ischemic stroke therapy. Vascular interventions are often limited to life-threatening situations that might be resolved by arterial recanalization, thrombectomy, stent implantation, or intra-arterial lysis. However, the emergence of new devices that support arterial recanalization by clot removal and that promise better outcomes, is leading to an increasing number of clinical studies examining this type of procedure. Recent studies suggest that stroke patients may profit from interventional therapy up to 6 hours after symptom onset.

Excellent imaging during intervention is indispensable for safe and efficient vascular therapy. Interventional radiology suites should therefore reflect the therapeutic requirements of the interventional imaging technique and the skills of the interventional team.

A comprehensive case presentation relying on access to and integration of data from a variety of imaging modalities are very beneficial for workplaces in interventional radiology. This emphasizes the importance of dedicated software applications, smooth data exchange between diagnostic and interventional radiology, and, in general, efficient data handling in the clinical IT network.

Interventional Imaging in Ischemic Stroke

Interventional angiography systems have to provide uncompromising image quality while interfering as little as possible with interventional procedures.
Siemens Artis Q/ Artis zee family fulfills these requirements by offering comprehensive imaging capabilities complemented by precise and flexible positioning control. syngo® DynaCT imaging software provides CT-like data acquisition and visualization for angiography or perfusion analysis in less than a minute. It integrates your interventional angiography system into your IT network. In addition, Siemens’ syngo® DynaPBV Neuro and syngo® iFlow software allow for an immediate and profound evaluation of the therapeutic success right at the site of intervention.

Interventional Imaging

Angiography systems are the gold standard¹ when it comes to planning the intervention. They are also the equipment of choice to visualize and guide thrombectomy or to control the insertion of stents.
Siemens syngo® DynaCT, syngo® iFlow, and syngo® DynaPBV Neuro enable assessing the outcome of the intervention. syngo® iFlow displays the course of contrast agents through the vessels in a color-coded pattern, and flow curves show the treatment success after e.g. clot removal.

syngo.plaza and syngo.share

Information systems bring together patient data (images, results of blood investigations etc.) and help to provide a fast overview of a patient`s history. This is essential for the planning of interventional stroke treatment, as well as for the conduction, evaluation and documentation of the intervention.
syngo.plaza provides you with easy and concurrent access to 2D, 3D, and 4D² images at a single workplace, as well as extended functionality for displaying and processing DICOM XA images, allowing DSA viewing directly at the PACS.
syngo.share³ offers you access to clinical information and provides a complete picture of the available images, reports, multi-media, and non-DICOM data from a patient.