
Green Hospitals - Benefits

A Green+ Hospital can benefit in various ways:


Cost Reduction

  • Green Building

     - Total Building Solutions from Siemens increases the value and the efficiency of hospitals throughout their whole life cycle, while providing more comfort and   more security

     - Significant energy savings for new and existing buildings thanks to a comprehensive energy concept

     - Performance contracting provides significant guaranteed energy savings to pay for a project

  • Green Support Processes:

     - Significant reduction of energy consumption for IT and communication systems

  • Green Medical Equipment:

     - Energy and resource efficiency


Reputation – Green Certification
Holding an international accredited certificate supports good reputation and attracts additional patients:
Certificates, e.g. LEED, GreenBuilding, BUND Gütesiegel, Green Star

Additional Funding
Realizing energy saving and environmentally friendly programs are funded by e.g. EU, German Federation, and KfW-Bank.


Sustainability and Quality

  • Society – Environmental care and living standards improved
  • Patients – Smooth and high-quality medical treatments provided 

The Siemens Green+ Hospitals approach not only focuses on the obvious “green hospital” aspects. There is also a broad variety of levers required to address the various challenges to fulfill ecological requirements, optimize efficiency, and increase quality.