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MAGNETOM Cima.X Tractography Three-Plane

MR NeurologyUnderstanding complexity

MRI is the ultimate tool for diagnostic imaging and neuroscience research, providing morphological images with the highest spatial resolution and unmatched soft tissue contrast as well as unique functional information of the central nervous system (CNS).

The advent of new powerful gradient systems has opened opportunities to explore the microstructure of the brain at an unprecedented level. Deep learning reconstruction is fundamentally transforming MR imaging and will allow higher patient throughput without compromising image quality. 

At Siemens Healthineers, we firmly believe that combining the latest hardware innovations with software-based features such as deep learning reconstruction will create great momentum in the neuroradiological and neuroscience community. Let's continue to explore the human brain, together.


Be at the forefront of the neuroimaging community with our comprehensive solution portfolio for diagnostic imaging and neuroscience research.

Clinical Applications

More neurology applications 

Address all relevant clinical questions with our rich portfolio of MR neurology applications.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Application - ZOOMit


ZOOMit – the first TimTX TrueShape application for clinical use – uses dynamic excitation pulses to achieve selective field-of-view (zoomed) imaging. Zoom into your image to appreciate the smallest details, improve diagnostics and expand research possibilities with ZOOMit, powered by TimTX TrueShape.

Your benefits:

  • Zoomed imaging for EPI (DWI and BOLD) and SPACE
  • Reduced susceptibility artifacts and geometric distortions in challenging anatomies
  • Higher temporal resolution through faster imaging

Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Application - ASL (Arterial Spin Labeling)

ASL (Arterial Spin Labeling)

ASL is an MR technique using the water in arterial blood as an endogenous contrast agent to evaluate perfusion non-invasively. Pseudo-continuous ASL (PCASL) allows larger coverage with more and thinner slices in a shorter acquisition time, resulting in higher perfusion image quality.

Your benefits:

  • 2D and 3D PCASL enable higher in-plane resolution and thinner slices
  • Automatic generation of relative CBF and Bolus Arrival Time maps
  • M0 maps are available for research purposes

Cima.X Fit Head SWI Wave-CAIPI

SWI (Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging) 

SWI is an MRI contrast which exploits the susceptibility differences between tissues. As a result SWI can detect deoxygenated blood, products of blood decomposition and microscopic iron deposits much better than conventional MR techniques.

Your benefits:

  • Improved depiction compared to T2* contrast of susceptibility variations such as hemorrhages and microbleeding
  • 3D imaging for complete brain coverage
  • The perfect CAIPIRINHA: Wave-CAIPI SWI for maximum acceleration in SWI

BLADE Diffusion

HASTE and BLADE diffusion

HASTE and BLADE diffusion enable virtually distortion-free diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) by employing non-EPI acquisition methods. These methods have been found helpful for the detection of cholesteatoma7-9 and bring clarity to DWI in challenging anatomies where susceptibility artifacts cannot be avoided10.

Your benefits:

  • Non-EPI-based DWI that is virtually free of geometric distortion
  • Siemens Healthineers exclusive: SMS capability for BLADE diffusion to keep scan times at bay
  • Superb detection of difficult pathologies such as cholesteatoma7-9 and cerebellopontine angle tumors10

Clinical Focus Topics 


In clinical routine, many MRI scans deal with unspecified headache disorders that account for 50% of all neurology related disorders11. MRI is a tool to clarify if abnormalities in the brain are responsible for the symptoms, but 90% of these scans are usually without pathological findings12. So there is a large amount of routine brain MRI scans that require fast and robust technology to deliver reliable results. We have what it takes to address these requirements:


Stroke is the second leading cause for death among all diseases, only surpassed by cardiovascular disease11. Time is brain in acute stroke, and while CT is typically the method of choice, MRI is considered equivalent by current guidelines13 and has even been shown to be more effective14. Besides stroke and in particular wake-up strokes15, MRI can play a decisive role in vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and cranial trauma16. We support these use cases with innovations such as 

Neurodegenerative Diseases

Neurodegenerative Diseases (ND) such as Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), dementia, or Multiple Sclerosis (MS) have seen a significant increase in prevalence over the last decade and are the second leading cause of death among neurology related disease, only surpassed by stroke11. With ageing populations in many developed countries, increasing numbers of ND are expected. MRI plays a major role in diagnosing and monitoring diseases such as MS. Additionally, it is also mandated for therapy monitoring of the newest generation of AD drugs that slow the progress of early stage AD. 

Clinical Practice

Siemens Healthineers‘ global MRI community MAGNETOM World offers peer-to-peer information, providing first-hand experiences from MAGNETOM users.

Case Studies
