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Interpretation of HbA1c in the Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Era

1 hour


For decades, laboratory measurement of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) has been the standard approach to monitor glucose control in patients with diabetes, as there is strong evidence that illustrates the correlation of HbA1c values with both micro- and macrovascular complications.1,2,3,4 Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems, on the other hand, are considered a valuable development in the management of diabetes as they enable real-time monitoring of glucose control.5,6 However, there is uncertainty in how best to interpret CGM data such as the glucose management indicator (GMI) along with HbA1c in the clinical and laboratory community.

This webinar will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each blood glucose measurement and discuss the use and interpretation of laboratory HbA1c measurements alongside CGM technology in the care of patients with diabetes.

  • List the strengths and weaknesses of HbA1c as a laboratory test
  • Describe the growing use and applications of CGM technology
  • Recognize the strengths and limitations of CGM technology
  • Define limitations in the clinical use and interpretation of the glucose management indicator (GMI)
  • Evaluate the role and value of laboratory HbA1c measurements alongside CGM technology in the management of patients with diabetes

Clinicians, lab supervisors, lab directors/assistant directors, lab managers (supervisory and/or non-supervisory), point-of-care coordinators

Attendees are entitled to ACCENT credits from the ADLM

Elizabeth Selvin, PhD, MPH

Elizabeth Selvin, PhD, MPH
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Dr. Elizabeth Selvin is the Director of the Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research and Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine at the Johns Hopkins. She is the author or co-author of over 550 papers in the peer-reviewed literature. Dr. Selvin has devoted her career to leading translational research projects designed to evaluate and improve screening, diagnosis, and patient care for persons with diabetes. Her work has directly influenced clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis and management of diabetes. She was the 2020 winner of the Kelly M. West Award for Outstanding Achievement in Epidemiology from the American Diabetes Association.