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CARE+CLEARMigliorare la qualità delle immagini, ottimizzazione della dose in ogni sistema Artis.

Ridurre la dose in procedure interventistiche è sempre più importante, per i pazienti e il personale clinico. In molti casi, tuttavia, la qualità dell'immagine è la chiave per procedure di successo. Un dilemma?

Non con CARE+CLEAR, il nostro portfolio completo di strumenti di risparmio di dose per immagini di qualità. Perché ogni paziente e ogni caso sono diversi, solo tu puoi decidere la qualità delle immagini necessaria, quindi determinare la dose più bassa possibile.. CARE+CLEAR vi supporta nel prendere decisioni affidabili in diagnosi e trattamento e aumentando la sicurezza di pazienti e personale.  CARE+CLEAR, pacchetto esclusivo Siemens è di serie su ogni sistema angiografico Artis. Senza pari dal 1994.

Care & Clear Whitepaper

Low-dose imaging is becoming a clinical reality

Dose reduction

As a leader in healthcare innovation, Siemens has a strong legacy in dose-reducing technologies. For many years we have been focused on reducing dose without compromising image quality and clinical outcomes. The philosophy behind our Combined Applications to Reduce Exposure (CARE) is simple: They are designed to help you deliver better care at the lowest reasonable dose. These cutting-edge radiation protection functions are designed to reduce radiation dosage for both patient and clinical staff to make dose monitoring and reporting easy and structured for the hospital.

  • Reduces patient and operator dose to a minimum
  • Provides dose monitoring during the procedure
  • Makes dose reporting easy and structured
  • The complete CARE package is standard with every Artis system


Advanced dose-saving technologies effectively reduce radiation dose for patient and operator.

  • Reduced operator exposure
  • Reduced patient exposure
  • Improves hospital marketing capabilities
  • Addresses a broader patient mix: dose-sensitive patients (e.g. children)
  • Read more about our dose-saving applications.

Based on the Last Image Hold (LIH), a graphical outline of the upcoming image is displayed on the monitor, allowing you to move the table or C-arm without any radiation. Because you can position patients without additional fluoroscopy, dose reduction is possible – making CAREposition an ideal choice for long procedures.

CAREposition reduces dose by omitting fluoroscopy while repositioning.


CAREvision enables variable fluoroscopic pulse rates ranging from 30 p/s to only 0.5 p/s, which can considerably reduce radiation exposure for patients and staff. When using 7.5 p/s instead of 30 p/s, for example, dose saving of up to 75% is possible – without losing image quality.*

CAREvision drives dose reduction by adapting the frame rate.


During digital acquisition or fluoroscopy, the variable filtration is set automatically according to the patient thickness and the angulation of the C-arm. By adjusting the filter size with CAREfilter, you can achieve up to 50% entrance dose reduction** – with minimal impact on image contrast.*

Discover how CAREfilter with multi-thickness copper pre-filters for skin dose reduction works.


Using the Last Image Hold as a reference, CAREprofile enables radiation-free collimator adjustment and semitransparent filter position setting. As a result, you can achieve dose savings.

CAREprofile enables dose reduction through radiation-free collimator adjustment.

Low dose DynaCT

With low-dose syngo DynaCT, you can perform 3D imaging at the lowest possible dose during treatment ‒ which is especially important for radiosensitive patients like children. You obtain excellent imaging results at only 0.1 mSv.*

Low-dose syngo DynaCT combines excellent imaging results with substantial dose reductions.

Low dose Acquisition

Low-dose acquisition provides excellent image quality with a dose reduction of up to 67%* in comparison to normal acquisition protocols. One acquisition pedal of the footswitch can be configured as a low-dose acquisition pedal.

Low-dose Acqusition provides the image quality you need a much lower dose.

With the dose-monitoring features, patient entrance dose** control becomes easy and efficient.

  • Better control of accumulated patient entrance dose**
  • Enhanced in-house dose reporting
  • Enhanced transparency regarding dose per case
  • Prepared for future standards, easier to meet required dose levels

Read more about our dose-saving applications.


CAREwatch displays the dose area product and air kerma rate or air kerma** at the interventional reference point on the live display in the examination and control room.

CAREwatch makes dose visible on the live display for optimal dose management.


CAREguard provides an effective way to control the patient's accumulated air kerma**. Warnings are given on the live display monitor and touchscreen if the air kerma** exceeds one of the three predefined thresholds.

Watch how CAREguard increases the patients safety.

State-of-the art reporting solutions enable efficient and transparent reporting and documentation of radiation dose.

  • Better patient dose exposure control and greater transparency
  • Advanced knowledge of when a report has to be written
  • Be at the ready when legal authorities ask for dose per case
  • Prepared for future standards

Read more about our dose reporting applications.


At the end of each procedure step, CAREreport automatically creates a DICOM Dose Structured Report and transfers the dose values directly to your Hospital Information System. This information supports you in optimizing dose management for patients and procedures.

Watch how CAREreport facilitates dose management.

Cara Analytics

CARE Analytics presents the information of DICOM Structured Dose Reports in a table format for further analysis. So you can compare, for example, dose given during different examinations and the dose a patient has received on different imaging systems – even in other hospitals. This may result in dose savings.


CAREmonitor shows the accumulated peak air kerma** according to the current projection in the form of a fill indicator on the live monitor. When your predefined threshold is reached the system warns you and you can consider another C-arm angulation.

CAREmonitor provides real-time skin-dose monitoring during interventional procedures.

Image quality

Whether your patients are tall or short, obese or slender – you need to see. And in order to see, you need optimal image quality that helps you make the right decision for the patient. Our comprehensive range of CLEAR applications automatically enhances image quality and thus helps increase certainty during interventions without increasing the dose.

  • Achieves optimized image quality
  • Applies comprehensive image processing
  • Customizes the image display to preferences
  • The CLEAR package is standard with every Artis system


Advanced image acquisition features like a high-power X-ray tube and optimized brightness achieve excellent contrast when imaging obese patients and avoid overexposures.
Read more about our dose reporting applications.


Using the unique histogram analysis, CLEARcontrol correctly exposes the entire image. By automatically enhancing the brightness, contrast and spatial resolution throughout the entire image, it provides better vessel visibility near the diaphragm.

CLEARcontrol - better vessel visibility through automatically enhanced image brightness

Our features provide the entire range of real-time postprocessing tools needed to optimize the contrast and sharpness of the image without increasing the dose. Read more about our dose reporting applications.


Using a unique dose-adaptive algorithm, CLEARview reduces the noise in low-dose images. It splits a raw image into its parts and removes the noise with multilevel decomposition. Then the image is reconstructed – and the result is a sharper image.

CLEARview enhances image quality in low-dose imaging


The algorithm of CLEARvessel works automatically in the background in real time to enhance the visibility of vessel edges. For each pixel, the system decides whether it’s part of the background or the vessel – and increases or decreases the contrast to smooth the image.

CLEARvessel improves image quality by enhancing visibility of the vessel edges.


Based on a unique algorithm, CLEARmotion automatically detects fine structures and compensates for motion artifacts. This means optimal visualization of small vessels, fine structures, and guidewires in every heartbeat.

CLEARmotion ensures excellent image quality with every heartbeat.


With CLEARpulse and the use of an optimized X-ray spectrum, the pulse length can be shortened by 43 percent. This not only reduces dosage for the patient but also improves image quality and sharpness.**

Every interventionalist has his/her own preference when it comes to image quality. Some like sharper images, some smoother. With the image presets, you can choose.


With CLEARchoice, you can customize image quality to your individual preferences, whether you like smooth images, more contrast or less noise. Simply choose the image quality you want – independent of patient and dose.

See how CLEARchoice provides individually tailored image quality

Customer Experiences

Customer Experiences

P. Vierbeck, A. Funk, H. Galluhn, R. Kügler, Endoscopy Technicians
Klinikum Altenburger Land, Altenburg

“Low-dose protocols in endoscopy and ERCP are very significant. We often use protocols at 0.81 μGy/image in 22 cm format (corresponding to 0.41 μGy/image in 48 cm format) and always pulsed fluoroscopy (CAREvision).”
“Adjustment of radiographic image possible without radiation exposure, ‘Super!’ (CAREprofile and CAREposition)”


Klinikum Altenburger Land, Altenburg


“Using CLEAR technology, the system allows for working with the lowest possible amounts of contrast agent with simultaneously high detail recognition of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the pancreaticobiliary ductal system. At the same time the optimized gray scale resolution ensures safe positioning of implants in stenoses of the gastrointestinal tract through certain detection of the stent and its markers.”


Heinrich-Braun-Krankenhaus GmbH, Kirchberg


“An important aspect in gastroenterology is a non-overexposed fluoroscopy image reproduced 1:1 in the digital image.”

Berlis UWF

Klinikum Augsburg


"Manufacturers must look after the safety of both patients and medical staff. This type of safety system can determine whether or not a device is selected, which means that manufacturers must treat them as a quality criterion rather than offering them for an additional charge. Who would drive an automobile today without a seatbelt and an airbag?"

"We should be concerned about everyone’s well-being. And if we can generate better images using less radiation, then it makes sense for us to do so."

Prof. Thomas Albrecht, M.D.

Vivantes Hospital Berlin


"I consider minimizing radiological exposure for the intervention personnel to be a matter of key concern. In this connection, progress in the area of device technology must be supplemented by observance of radiological protection measures by the staff."

Olaf Göing, M.D.

Sana Klinikum, Berlin

"These days, when we have a better understanding of the connections between radiology dose and potential illness than we did previously, I think that features that enable us to reduce the dose of radiation should be provided as a matter of course. There should not even be the possibility of choosing differently just to cut costs."

"Protecting employees as part of our ‘constant activity’ in the cardiac catheterization laboratory cannot be rated highly enough."

"If I were buying a catheterization unit I would classify radiological dose-reduction features as a fixture, if the case arose. All other options depend on financial and medical necessity and can still be negotiated, unlike radiological protection."

AX Testimonial Charles Mazzarese

Stony Brook Medical Center, New York

„syngo DynaCT and the integrated CARE feature make the task of keeping the dose low virtually effortless“

AX Care and Clear Testimonials Prof. Brachmann

Coburg Clinic, Coburg


“New image algorithms from recent updates deliver the best images we have ever seen.”

“Today images show a very homogenous contrast distribution, sharp vessel edges, and minimal background noise. Siemens has done a great job with image processing enhancements.”

AX Care and Clear Testimonials Prof. Cekirge

Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara

“By adjusting the fluoroscopy quality and changing the pulse rate, we can reduce the radiation dose by up to 72 percent. This is the same for syngo DynaCT applications.” “… Artis zee applications like CAREvision, CAREprofile, CAREfilter, CAREposition,and low-dose syngo DynaCT have greatly improved dose reduction and made it adjustable according to the neurointerventional procedure’s need.“

Heart Center, Bad Krotzingen

Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), Charleston, SC

Sana Klinikum, Berlin

Neurological Institute Besta, Milano

Department of Radiology, University of Virginia

Methodist University Hospital, Memphis, TN

Stony Brook Medical Center, New York

Westmead Children’s Hospital, Sydney

Lahey Clinic Medical Center, Burlington, MA

Vivantes Hospital Berlin