Approcci alla riduzione della dose in Radiografia e Fluoroscopia

MAXalign - Get it Right with the First Shot

This innovative feature displays the angle of the detector in the MAXtouch screen of the ceilingmounted tube. This allows the tube angle to be perfectly aligned to the detector, taking the guesswork out of angle setting in free exams and reducing dose by avoiding repeat exposures. With MAXalign, you get it right with the first shot. It is available on Ysio Max, a digital radiography system, and on the fluoroscopy systems Luminos Agile Max and Luminos dRF Max when equipped with the Ysio Max option.


  • Works for you by making positioning for free examinations easier and more accurate with MAX wi-D and MAX mini detectors.
  • Supports you by displaying the correct detector angle on the MAXtouch screen. Eliminates guessing and enhances quality and consistency.
  • Protects you and your patients by avoiding repeat exposures for incorrect angles and grid cut-off.

Learn more about:
Ysio Max
Luminos Agile Max
Luminos dRF Max

In radiography and fluoroscopy the comprehensive CARE dose reduction program with the ability to combine several applications enables reduction in dose without compromising image quality.

Further intelligent dose reduction with:

  • High efficiency digital flat detectors - their performance remains much more constant over time than that of image intensifiers, which require increased dose to maintain image quality1
  • Easy grid removal for pediatric and extremities examinations
  • Low absorption tabletop material and grids
  • Short table top to detector and wall stand front to detector distances
  • Wall stand top alignment for more efficient chest exam collimation
  • Organ programs with pre-set collimation size and Cu f ilters for skin dose reduction
  • Clinical Assurance Program (CAP) with reject analysis assists in determining the causes of repeat examinations
  • Exposure Index (EXI) and Deviation Index (DI) enables monitoring for under- or overexposure of digital X-ray images
  • DICOM Dose Reporting enables and dose documentation to be sent to PACs as a DICOM object 


As fluoroscopy examinations often require direct interaction with the patient during the examination, dose reduction measures are important for both patients and medical personnel. This can also influence the choice between a remote-controlled or a patient-side-controlled system.

Approaches to Dose Reduction in Fluoroscopy

1General consensus, as taken from a dose study with Luminos Agile in DI Europe, March-Feb 2014, p. 67