What are the opportunities for healthcare in the age of disruption? We asked healthcare professionals in an online survey conducted by Harvard Business Review Analytics Services to take the pulse of healthcare’s transformation.
What will the future of healthcare look like? One thing is for sure: wide-scale transformation is clearly on the way.
For example, when asked if healthcare lags behind other industries in its ability to adapt to transformation, 78 percent of healthcare decision makers say yes. They also agree that means tremendous opportunity. In this new Harvard Business Review Pulse Plus survey sponsored by Siemens Healthineers, as many as 76 percent of respondents see disruption in the form of new technologies and new business models. And an even higher percentage - 91 percent - see great opportunity lying ahead for healthcare because of the disruption offered by said new business models and technologies.
Other key findings from the survey include:
What’s Driving the Need to Change?
- 57 percent of respondents cited provide better outcomes as a key driver for adopting new business models and technologies
- 44 percent cited increase patient engagement
- 43 percent cited reduce expenses via process improvement
- 38 percent cited enable operational excellence and increase workforce productivity
- 37 percent cited improve the quality and quantity of patient data to provide optimum patient care
Cultural Transformation
- 62 percent of respondents said they strongly agreed that creating a culture of innovation and risk-taking is essential to improving healthcare quality
- Only 22 percent said they strongly agreed that their own organizations encouraged innovation and risk-taking
- 57 percent of respondents cited a need for better data collection, aggregation, and analysis
- 39 percent of respondents cited a lack of resources
- 38 percent cited traditional hierarchy and healthcare service delivery model
- 31 percent cited lack of effective change-management processes
The Way to Better Value
- Healthcare leaders are looking for greater value in healthcare delivery
- Save costs and increase efficiencies in processes while also improving outcomes
- 72 percent of respondents said they strongly agree that patient engagement should be increased, as this improves care outcomes
Want to learn more about what your peers think about the future of healthcare?
Download the full survey report below to find out.

Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, sponsored by Siemens Healthineers, conducted an online survey in September 2017 of HBR.org’s online community in the healthcare industry. A strong majority – 85 percent – of the 613 respondents said they worked in healthcare or in a related industry, with the remaining 15 percent of respondents identifying as consultants specializing in healthcare. Additional qualitative interviews with key industry experts were also conducted to give a more holistic overview.