teamplay DoseSimplify your radiation dose management
Following nationally defined reference levels for applied radiation is mandatory. How does your radiology department prove its compliance?
As a healthcare professional you are obligated to keep exposure to ionizing radiation as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA principle). How do you monitor this?
teamplay Dose…
- assists you in complying with dose regulations,
- provides evidence and reporting at different aggregation levels and
- helps you to reduce the radiation dose in your imaging procedure
Availability of benchmarking option depends on a minimum number of considered subscribers to guarantee customer anonymity and data protection.
The council directive is a legal act on European level to participating countries, which requires member states to achieve a particular result without dictating the means of achieving that result. Under the assumption that the implementation of the council directive within Europe will lead to changes and adjustments teamplay Dose users will benefit of Healthineers development to keep the teamplay Dose application compliant.
EURATOM Directive Article 55, 2.(b) + (c); For the complete directive visit the following website: