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5 redenen waarom besluitvormers kiezen voor Siemens urineanalyseapparatuur

CLINITEK Status+ Analyzer<br />

1) Get urinalysis test results you can trust!

Automated Quality Checks (Auto-Checks) for:

  • Strip ID and validity
  • Humidity over-exposure
  • Common sample interferences*

2) Improve your process control!
Enhanced operator oversight and lock-out capabilities

3) Increase your memory!

  • 950 patient test results
  • 700 operator IDs

4) Plan for the future – now!
Upgrades are easy!

5) Expand your options, with the broadest urine analyzer test menu!
Multistix® and CLINITEK® strips as well as hCG pregnancy testing


CLINITEK Status Connect System<br />

1) Get connected!

Bi-directional connectivity to your laboratory information system (LIS), Electronic Medical Record (EMR) or 3rd party data manager including Siemens’ proprietary RAPIDComm® Data Management Solution

2) Streamline your documentation and reduce errors!

  • Patient and QC tests auto-transmitted
  • Bar code data entry for patient ID, operator ID, lot, and expiration dating

3) Urine testing results you can trust with Automated Quality Checks (Auto-Checks)

  • Strip ID and validity
  • Humidity over-exposure
  • Common sample interferences*

4) Improve your risk management!

  • Better testing oversight - up to 700 operator IDs and operator lock-out
  • Test results transmitted include operator and patient ID, lot and expiration dates
  • QC lock-out ensures compliance

5) Expand your options, with the broadest urine analyzer test menu!
Multistix® and CLINITEK® strips as well as hCG pregnancy testing

CLINITEK Status Connect