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Moderne urinechemieserie

Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics' Modern Urine Chemistry Series of educational materials are intended to provide further insight into the importance and efficacy of urinalysis testing in early patient care and health management. These tools consist of an interactive CD-ROM, posters, manuals, etc. and are available by contacting your local sales representative.

Modern Urine Chemistry Series

Following is a brief summary of each piece:

Encyclopedia of Urinalysis
This interactive CD-ROM is a compilation of the expertise of opinion leaders from around the world in the fields of disease that can be identified and/or monitored through urinalysis. Siemens has created this CD-ROM to educate customers on the importance of urine testing. The broad range of topics included reflects the important role that urinalysis plays in testing for a variety of medical conditions.
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Application of Urine Chemistry and Microscopic Examination in Health and Disease
This paperback book provides the reader with valuable information used in the diagnosis and monitoring of disease through urinalysis. Such testing is useful not only in detection of individuals who have some clinical abnormality, but also in confirming normal urinalysis in the majority of individuals who do not have detectable abnormal levels. The intent is to provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the basic laboratory procedures used in routine urinalysis along with the methodology used in urinalysis strips.

The Clinical Significance of Urine Test Results
One simple test provides a wealth of information. This clinical utility guide summarizes how urine test results can be used to detect and manage various disease states. Urinalysis is a fast, simple, inexpensive, and reliable tool for ruling in, or ruling out, many diseases related to carbohydrate metabolism, urinary tract health, kidney and liver function, acid-base balance, and many other medical conditions. Clinically relevant information can be obtained when analyzing the combined results of certain test parameters available on the urinalysis test strips.

Poster Series
Atlas of Urine Sediment
A wall chart that shows images of cells, casts, crystals, bacteria, fungi, and parasites found in urine.

Urinalysis – The Window to Your Patient’s Health
Urinalysis is a quick, inexpensive, and reliable tool for detecting various diseases. Use this reference poster as a reminder of which tests are signs of which diseases. One or a combination of positive results indicates the need for a diagnostic workup.

Diabetes – From Early Detection to Better Patient Management
Diabetes affects millions of people worldwide. Use this poster as a diabetes patient management tool, taking you from early detection to test and treatment recommendations. Monitoring and managing HbA1c levels will help you keep your diabetes patients from experiencing major complications.

Instructions for Clean Catch of a Urine Sample
Often times a routine and random urine sample is requested by a physician. Collecting a clean urine sample is key. This poster describes the steps to help catch a clean urine sample for testing purposes.