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Hepatitis Test SolutionsSiemens Healthineers offers a comprehensive hepatitis testing menu to simplify laboratory workflow.

Viral hepatitis is a global health problem that affects hundreds of millions of children and adults. Although multiple pathogens have been associated with hepatitis, three in particular (Hepatitis A, B, and C) are responsible for the majority of virally linked hepatitis cases. Chronic viral hepatitis B and C are a major cause of chronic liver disease, which may manifest as liver fibrosis and cirrhosis leading to liver cancer and the need for liver transplantation.

Hepatitis testing solutions

You can depend on Siemens Healthineers to provide your lab with the test accuracy and efficiency you demand for hepatitis B diagnostic testing.

The HBsII assay available on the Atellica® CI Analyzer, Atellica® IM Analyzer, and ADVIA Centaur® Immunoassay Systems is designed with patented acridinium ester (AE) technology, allowing for enhanced precision and sensitivity. Incorporating the zwitterionic AE molecule into the assay format results in greater sensitivity and improved detection of HBsII mutants. A total of five monoclonal antibodies are used in the HBsII assay design, greatly improving the assay’s sensitivity and specificity.

Only the HBsII assay from Siemens Healthineers offers a “hot zone” and SMART algorithm for greater lab efficiency.

  • Reduce your test volumes. Samples in the hot zone (initial results ≥50 Index Units) may be reported as reactive. Only samples with initial values between 1 and <50 Index Units require further testing.
  • Improve your lab efficiency. The SMART algorithm automatically repeats testing on samples that require further analysis.

With the use of disposable sample tips on the Atellica® CI Analyzer, Atellica IM® Analyzer, and ADVIA Centaur® Systems, potential sample carryover and subsequent risk of false positives are never a concern.

Hepatitis C

The CDC has expanded previous recommendations for hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening of all persons born between 1945 and 1965 (the so-called baby-boomer generation) for HCV infection.1

The Siemens Healthineers’ assay for HCV available on the Atellica® CI Analyzer, Atellica® IM Analyzer and ADVIA Centaur® Immunoassay Systems is a true third-generation assay with the ability to detect the NS5 antibody.2 The assay design uses patented acridinium ester (AE) technology for improved sensitivity in detecting low-level analytes and better accuracy and precision.

Assay Menu

Siemens Healthineers offers a comprehensive disease-management portfolio for hepatitis screening, diagnosis, and monitoring on the Atellica® CI Analyzer, Atellica® IM Analyzer, and ADVIA Centaur® Immunoassay Systems.


Atellica® CI Analyzer

Atellica® IM Analyzer

ADVIA Centaur® XP/XPT Immunoassay Systems

ADVIA Centaur® CP Immunoassay System

Hepatitis A





HAV Total

Hepatitis B




Anti-HBe 2


Anti-HBs 2




HBc Total 2














Hepatitis C