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Deep Resolve

Deep Resolve

MRI – Faster than ever before

Deep Resolve is an AI-powered image reconstruction technology that takes advantage of convolutional neural networks to accelerate MR scans, e.g. 70% for brain imaging, making them faster than ever before. Faster scans boost workflow efficiency while improving the patient experience. Deep Resolve’s raw data-to-image reconstruction and very fast acquisition are game changers in MRI, helping generate actionable insights for patient's diagnosis.

Deep Resolve Gain is a targeted denoising method to increase the SNR of MR images. It uses the acquired MRI data to generate a noise map which reflects spatial noise variations. This noise map is used as input for an iterative process, reducing noise in a targeted manner, thus addressing local variations in image noise, e.g. due to coil array geometry.

Deep Resolve Boost is our raw data-to-image deep learning reconstruction technology. It enables accelerated image acquisition with high signal-to-noise (SNR) scans. Deep Resolve Boost is applicable from head-to-toe and can be combined with our Simultaneous Multi-Slice (SMS) technique for even higher acceleration. A total knee exam can be completed in under two minutes scan time without compromising image resolution.

The neural network at the heart of Deep Resolve Sharp improves image sharpness and resolution. Deep Resolve Sharp has been trained on a large amount of pairs of low-res and high-res MR data, enabling it to reconstruct a sharp image from low resolution data. While doing this, the consistency with the acquired raw data is ensured until the final image reconstruction for robust results.

Deep Resolve Swift Brain is a Neuro acquisition solution that employs a multi-shot echo planar imaging (EPI) approach to enable a total Neuro exam in two minutes scan time without compromising image quality. A novel static field correction method reduces geometric distortions inherent in EPI imaging. The deep learning reconstruction enables consistent high-resolution images with fast acquisition, achieving all relevant contrasts in just one go.

deep resolve boost infographic

Do you want to learn more about the four technologies of Deep Resolve? Download the infographic here to get an overview of Deep Resolve in further depth.

Deep Resolve - ReconPro
Can you solve puzzles faster than our deep learning technology Deep Resolve?

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