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SOMATOM Definition Edge

SOMATOM Definition Edge ecoExceeding expectations

Confronted with increasingly complex clinical requirements and rising numbers of patients, medical institutions are expected to perform at the limits of capacity every day. SOMATOM Definition Edge eco helps you not only meet, but exceed these expectations by improving your institution’s process efficiency and patient outcome in all clinical capabilities – from contrast media-efficient TAVI planning to precise therapy response management, from low dose therapy control to optimized emergency care workflow.

Exceeding expectations in: 

    Features & Benefits

    CT Scanner - SOMATOM Definition Edge - Cardiology

    Making highly precise plaque differentiation part of your clinical routine will not only improve patient outcome, but also increase process efficiency, as unmistakingly clear findings will drastically reduce the number of discussions about the state of the plaque. Covering greater volumes faster, improving contrast media efficiency in low kV TAVI planning, and introducing reliable, high-speed triple rule-out scanning will expand your institution’s clinical capabilities – and help you exceed the expectations that come with increasingly complex cardiac cases.
    How is this possible? Learn more about the new Stellar detector and the Straton MX X-ray tube.

    Metal artifact reduction with SOMATOM Definition Edge and its clinical outcome at BG Klinik, Tübingen.

    Emergency scanning is as much about time as it is about image quality. You will be able to optimize process efficiency with solutions that let you not only improve emergency workflow but also substantially reduce door-to-image time, from pediatric to obese patients. SOMATOM Definition Edge enables excellent tissue evaluation, allows for the scanning of pediatric and obese patients without dose discussions, and facilitates a minimized sedation and breath hold with a pitch of 1.7 at 23 cm/sec, so you can reduce door-to-image and optimize your overall emergency workflow. Learn more about the Stellar detector and the Straton MX X-ray tube, our complete FAST CARE technology, Adaptive 4D Spiral Plus, TrueSignal technology, Tin Filter technology, and iMAR2.

    TwinBeam Dual Energy

    With around a quarter of therapies adjusted after response assessment, a key challenge in oncology is finding out if the tumor is responsive to therapy. Making therapy response assessment faster, more reliable, and easier to manage, will directly benefit your workforce as well as your patients. Expanding your clinical capabilities with improved, low dose therapy control, and CT-based early tumor identification will benefit your institution both in daily practice and in the long run: the more reliable and dose-efficient the technology gets, the greater its role will become for preventive care, as well.
    Find out how ADMIRE3, Tin Filter technology, Adaptive 3D Intervention Suite, TwinBeam Dual Energy and True Dual Energy CT Applications make it happen.

    Clinical Use

    Technical Specifications

    Scanner type

    Single Source


    Stellar Detector

    X-ray tube

    Straton MX

    Max. scan speed

    230 mm/s1

    In-plane temporal resolution

    142 ms1

    Rotation time

    0.28 s1

    kV steps

    70, 80, 100, 120, 140 kV

    mA @ 70 kV, 80 kV, 90 kV

    500 mA @ 70 kV
    650 mA @ 80 kV

    Spatial resolution

    0.30 mm

    Table load up to

    307 kg/676 lbs1

    Gantry opening

    78 cm

    Generator power

    80 kW, 100 kW1

    Slice acquisition


    Tin Filters



