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syngo DynaCTDiscover our 3D applications

The syngo DynaCT success story began in 2004 with Siemens Healthineers' introduction of the first cone-beam CT solution. It remarkably changed treatment planning and delivery in the angio suite or Hybrid OR, without time loss or additional patient risk. syngo DynaCT allows for verifying treatment success while the patient is still on the table, reducing the need for re-interventions and re-operations. Since then, numerous 3D applications based on syngo DynaCT have been introduced, further enhancing its capabilities.

syngo DynaCT

With syngo DynaCT, users can obtain soft-tissue information during interventions directly in the angio suite or the hybrid OR. The software has a proven track record in numerous clinical procedures throughout the body. 


Whether stroke or other neuro procedures: Confidently visualize the whole brain parenchyma and identify pathological anatomies with syngo DynaCT.


Visualization of small pulmonary vessels in the angio suite: Distinctly see small anatomical details with syngo DynaCT.


Enhancing precision in liver TACE and beyond: See a high level of details with contrast-enhanced or native syngo DynaCT imaging.


Visualizing vascular structures to clearly identify the feeding vessels of a prostate hyperplasia or bleeding: Reduce non-target embolization with 3D soft tissue imaging.

Advanced 3D applications

Clinical Studies

System portfolio

The choice is yours. syngo DynaCT and our 3D applications are available on all our angiography systems. Take a look at our broad system portfolio and find out which ARTIS system fits your interventional needs!

3D Guidance Workflow

Whether you are performing an embolization, EVAR, percutaneous needle procedure or ablation: Our Integrated Guidance Workflow solutions support you every step of the way.