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Real-World Evidence & Value of the ELF Test

Assessing fibrosis risk with a more accessible blood test can help improve clinical and financial outcomes

Introduction of non-invasive tests in primary care has the potential to:

  • Increase the early detection of advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis in NAFLD patients.
  • Reduce unnecessary referrals to secondary care of patients at low risk of advanced liver disease.
  • Deliver immediate and sustained significant cost savings.

Hear from a NAFLD patient and clinical experts about how the ELF Test has the ability to improve outcomes for patients and transform systems of care. 

person holding sample tube
Hear Dr. Kirsten Frederiksen, Renown physician, speak to the use of the ELF Test in relation to The Healthy Nevada Project created by the Renown Institute for Health Innovation.1,2
chairs in a waiting room

Find out how NHS Tayside uses the ELF Test to help identify priority patients at risk.3

Camden and Islington are two working class cities in the UK with an estimated NAFLD prevalence of 20%-30%. To reduce the burden of unnecessary referrals and improve detection of advanced liver disease, a “NAFLD pathway” was developed comprised of testing first with FIB-4 and reflexing indeterminate results to ELF. After 2 years the pathway data was compared to the Standard of Care.4,5

    In this video, Dr. Ankur Srivastava, Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist at Southmead Hospital, North Bristol Trust, discusses his two-step primary care pathway approach of utilizing non-invasive tests to reduce unnecessary referrals and improve detection of severe disease in patients with NAFLD. This work was recently published in the Journal of Hepatology.

    A small expert panel of hepatologists was tasked with creating straight-forward guidelines subsequent to the 2019 CLDF leadership forum. ELF plays a central role in the staging algorithm, and is the only proprietary serum fibrosis marker recommended by the expert panel.
