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New sFlt-1 and PlGF assays to aid in the prognosis of preeclampsia

High performing reproductive endocrinology assays

Preeclampsia (PE) is a type of hypertensive disorder of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure, and proteinuria. PE occurs in 2–8% of pregnancies and potentially contributes to significant fetal, neonatal, and maternal morbidity and mortality.1 The addition of the Siemens Healthineers sFlt-1 and PlGF assays, prognostic markers for preeclampsia, to improve the management of this condition. 


Preeclampsia prevalence woman


  • Most common medical pathology of pregnancy
  • 2-8% of pregnancies, depending on region
  • U.S. prevalence = 3.4%
  • Worldwide prevalence = 4.6%
  • 0.3% prevalence <34 weeks
  • 2.7% prevalence >34 weeks
  • ~25% PE → PE with severe features
Preeclampsia demographics women


  • Highest incidence in low-income countries
  • Risk of developing PE is 7x greater in developing countries
  • Most common in first-time pregnancies
  • ~80% develop between 37-40 weeks and are uneventful
  • 40% accounted for by women with overweight or obesity before conception  

 Atellica® IM sFlt-1 and PlGF Performance Characteristics

Reproductive Endocrinology - Measuring a lifetime of Changes

Reproductive endocrinology covers a wide range of endocrine disorders related to the reproductive system in both males and females, including puberty and menstrual cycles, infertility, pregnancy, and menopause. As a longstanding leader in reproductive endocrinology, Siemens Healthineers offers a broad range of systems and assays to address the various clinical needs in reproductive health.

“We evaluated the analytical performance of Siemens Healthineers ADVIA Centaur PlGF and sFlt-1 assays (5-days precision study, 2 runs per day, 5 replicates each run) and we were pleased with the results that demonstrated robust precision. Also, there was a close alignment between the methods when compared to commercially available assays. The PlGF and sFlt-1 biomarkers address the unmet need for early detection of preeclampsia and improve patient outcomes.”

Dr. P. Apostolakopoulos
REA Maternity Hospital
Athens, Greece