Single-voxel spectroscopy (SVS) Edit reveals with a spectral editing method spectral peaks which would be too weak and too much obscured by other signals – if standard single-voxel spectroscopy was used. This allows the measurement of metabolites in relatively low concentration especially J-coupled metabolites like e.g. GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid).1
Single-Voxel Spectroscopy EditDetection and relative quantification of J-coupled metabolites
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syngo MR XA30 and its features are not commercially available in some countries. Due to regulatory reasons their future availability cannot be guaranteed. Please contact your local Siemens organization for further details.
Data on file. Results may vary
Single Voxel Spectroscopy Edit for MAGNETOM Vida Fit is still under development and not commercially available yet. Its future availability cannot be ensured.