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CT scan machine – SOMATOM go.Now

SOMATOM go.Now with myExam CompanionRun a successful CT business

Patients becoming critical consumers is a strong trend that can be observed around the globe. Stay competitive in the long run with a CT scanner that helps you improve patient experience throughout the CT imaging workflow: SOMATOM go.Now. Stay with your patients longer and provide closer care with our unique Mobile Workflow. Get the image quality and dose reduction technologies you expect from us. And benefit from AI-powered scan automation and new clinical features for an even wider range of indications.

Features & Benefits

SOMATOM X.cite with myExam CompanionFAST 3D Camera*Gantry-integrated cameraMood lightHigh Power 80myExam CompanionStellar detectorMobile workflowGO technologiesTin Filter

    In a standard CT imaging work environment, techs spend most of their time in the control room. With the unique Mobile Workflow of SOMATOM go.Now, you can stay close to your patients and put them at ease. See for yourself!

    The Mobile Workflow had a positive impact on the CT scan procedure at the University Hospital Erlangen in Germany as well as on the satisfaction of their patients.

    • 20% faster patient preparation1)
    • 62% increase in positive patient experience1)
    • 90% more time spent in the same room with the patient, plus higher freedom of movement for radiologists1)
    • 39% increase in patients who feel more satisfied from the medical service they receive1)


    Carla Susana Ribeiro PintoCT radiographerCentro Hospitalar de São João, Porto, Portugal

    Clinical Use

    Different clinical indications require different examination approaches. This is why our SOMATOM go.Now CT scanner has been developed with a clear patient pathway focus in mind: What specific capabilities should it provide for which exam type and anatomy? What helps you get profound clinical results in the most efficient way possible?

    Patient expectations are increasing and patients are becoming more vocal about their healthcare experience. With the Mobile Workflow of SOMATOM go.Now, your patients feel personally attended to and experience their treatment more positively.

    myExam Companion: Intelligence that works with you

    myExam Companion launches the era of intelligent imaging. Using the new possibilities of digitalization, it turns data into built-in expertise. This helps users efficiently achieve reproducible results – by unlocking your modality’s full potential automatically.

    myExam Companion guides users through any procedure, so they can interact easily and naturally with both patient and technology. No matter the user, patient or throughput, it helps generate consistently excellent results – and improve diagnostic confidence.

    A new working experience

    With the Mobile Workflow of SOMATOM go.Now, your patients feel personally attended to and experience their treatment more positively. From the tablet to the remote control, gantry-mounted injector arm, camera, and the gentle voice and sound design: The CT scanner offers smart solutions that help you focus on each patient – and make your working experience enjoyable.

    Whether routine CT imaging like thorax, abdomen, and angiography or more complex exams: SOMATOM go.Now delivers excellent image quality ‒ always on. See for yourself!


    Are you interested in more clinical cases? We created a booklet that contains a collection of different cases and clinical images – all acquired with SOMATOM go.Now.

    Technical Specifications



    Max 96

    Rotation times

    up to 0.8 s


    3.5 MHU (8.75 MHU equivalent value with SAFIRE2))


    32 kW (80 kW equivalent value with SAFIRE2))

    High voltage

    80, 110, 130 kV, Sn110, Sn130kV


    up to 400 mA (1,000 mA equivalent value with SAFIRE2))


    16 x 0.7 mm

    Max. table load

    up to 227 kg
