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Atellica DCA AnalyzerCompact. Portable. Scalable. Customizable. 

Diabetes testing, evolved.

Building upon one of the industry’s most trusted technologies for diabetes testing, Atellica® DCA Analyzer puts fast, quality HbA1c and ACR results right at your fingertips. Experience the performance and precision you need to improve outcomes. Designed with the speed, standardization, and personalization you want to boost efficiencies and meet growing demand.

Not available for sale in the U.S. Product availability may vary from country to country and is subject to varying regulatory requirements. Please contact your local representative for availability. 

Atellica DCA Single Module


Diabetes care – whether in a large hospital network or a busy clinical practice – consumes an ever-increasing share of healthcare time and resources. Atellica DCA Analyzer adapts to your clinical and workflow needs to let your staff work the way they work best.

Physician POC Atellica DCA Analyzer Write Form Exam Room

With a small footprint Atellica DCA Analyzer can be placed wherever it is needed when space is at a premium.

Offering accurate and actionable results in minutes, across the testing environment, the analyzer makes diabetes testing fast and efficient for patients, providers, and organizations. Small footprint, light weight, and built-in handle enables easy movement for storage or bringing directly to patient.
POC Atellica DCA Analyzer Hand Held HbA1c Display results

Use patient-sample ID link to help mitigate the risk of misidentifying samples. Bring the handheld display directly to the patient, to scan and link the patient and cartridge information.

Atellica DCA Analyzer was designed to provide confidence with every test. Simple operation and intuitive user interface (UI) decrease the likelihood of operator error, improves user experience, and reduces training complexity.

AtellicaDCA Healthcare professional inserting HbA1cCartridge

HbA1c results available in minutes can help ensure timely patient consultation and treatment paths. ACR results in only 7 minutes can help aid in the early diagnosis of kidney disease.

Building on 30+ years of innovation in HbA1c testing, our industry-leading immunoassay technology delivers reliable performance and excellent precision across the entire assay range, ensuring confidence test after test. Expand your diabetes management program to better serve your clinical staff and patients with Atellica DCA Analyzer.

POC Atellica DCA  Analyzer Doctor Patient Review Results Exam Room

Face-to-face counseling enables education, helps to engage patients, and leads to increased compliance with treatment plans.

POCT has proven more effective in reducing HbA1c than other testing methods. Small sample size, rapid results, and the ability to process hemolyzed samples mitigates pre-analytical errors and reduces patient discomfort from re-sticks.
POC Atellica DCA  Analyzer Center three modules

Connect and operate up to three test modules with a single display to accommodate increasing testing volume.

POC Informatics enables remote device monitoring, centralized compliance, operator management, and QC reporting. Seamlessly and securely transmit results to LIS/HIS/EHR systems with secure BLUETOOTH, Wireless or Wired connections.
Physician POC Atellica DCA Analyzer Write Form Exam Room

With a small footprint Atellica DCA Analyzer can be placed wherever it is needed when space is at a premium.

Offering accurate and actionable results in minutes, across the testing environment, the analyzer makes diabetes testing fast and efficient for patients, providers, and organizations. Small footprint, light weight, and built-in handle enables easy movement for storage or bringing directly to patient.

Technical Details

System Description 

Point-of-care immunoassay analyzer 

Quantitative Tests 

Hemoglobin A1c (whole blood) 
4.0–14% (20–130 mmol/mol) 

ACR (urine) 

Albumin: 5–300 mg/L

Creatinine: 15–500 mg/dL (1.3–44.2 mmol/L) 
Albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR): 1–2000 mg/g (0.1–230.8 mg/mmol) 

Test Format 

Self-contained immunoassay cartridges 

Test Measurement 

Automatic optical transmission 

Test Results Units 

Measured Parameters
HbA1c: %HbA1c (NGSP/DCCT) and mmol/mol (IFCC)
Albumin: mg/dL
Creatinine: mg/dL or mmol/L

Calculated Parameters
ACR: mg/g or mg/mmol

Test Method 

HbA1c: monoclonal antibody agglutination reaction

Albumin: monoclonal antibody agglutination reaction

Creatinine: Benedict Behre chemical reaction 

Time to Results 

HbA1c: 5 minutes

ACR: 7 minutes 

Sample Volume 

HbA1c: 1 µL whole blood; capillary or venous (K2 EDTA, Li heparin, Na citrate)

ACR: 40 µL urine 

Sample Prep 

No pretreatment or pipetting required 

Sample ID, Operator ID Entry 

Optional, via touchscreen or built-in bar-code scanner 

HbA1c Blood Sample Hold Time 

4 minutes 

Download Spec Sheet


Confidence in results

Atellica DCA  Analyzer correlation data with Tosoh G8

Trusted performance 

Atellica DCA Analyzer is NGSP and IFCC Certified. You can feel confident with lab-quality* results at the point of care. 

  • Atellica DCA Analyzer strongly correlated to results from the Tosoh G8 laboratory method.1
  • No clinically significant interferences from common hemoglobin variants for HbA1c measurements.2
  • Atellica DCA HbA1c test is not affected by hemolyzed samples and can help reduce preanalytical errors.

*Results comparable or equivalent to those produced by core laboratory equipment.
1. Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. Internal study conducted at Western Michigan University School of Medicine. 2019.

Auto-Checks™ Technology 

Atellica DCA Analyzer is designed to provide confidence with every test. The system runs internal checks and tests throughout the sample testing process to prevent erroneous results or sample loss.  

  • Environmental calibration
  • Airflow check
  • Internal bar-code reader
  • Cartridge temperature check
  • Thermal verification
  • Optical clarity check
  • Sample integrity and volume check
  • Measurement precision check

On-demand Webinars

Dr. Carlos Mendez

Breaking barriers: Leveraging novel therapies and lifestyle interventions for patients with diabetes and obesity

During this presentation
Carlos Mendez, MD, F.A.C.P. reviews evidence-based strategies to support personalized multidisciplinary interventions for patients living with diabetes and obesity.

Dr. Francine Kaufman

The connection between Covid-19 and diabetes: Where are we headed?

Francine Kaufman, MD discusses diabetes in the context of COVID-19 and explains why HbA1c testing is even more important in today’s healthcare landscape.
Blood collection

Demystifying HbA1c POC Testing and the Impacts of COVID-19 on Patients with Diabetes

Esteemed panelists, Dr. Erna Lenters-Westra, Professor Emma English, and Professor Garry John share their insights on the subject of HbA1c POC testing and the possible impacts of a COVID-19 diagnosis on people living with diabetes.
