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High-Sensitivity Troponin I Assay

Fast, Accurate, Actionable Results When it Matters Most

Proven, True High-Sensitivity Troponin I Assays

Designed to aid in diagnosing acute myocardial infarctions (AMI) through the quantitative measurement of cardiac troponin I in serum or plasma, high-sensitivity troponin plays a critical role in the timely diagnosis of AMI, or heart attacks.

Siemens Healthineers offers proven, true high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I assays:

  • Demonstrate clinical proof that the Siemens Healthineers’ assays are true high-sensitivity troponin I assays according to current guidelines.1-4
  • Offer fast, accurate, and actionable results to leverage current protocols
  • Provide confidence in results due to minimal assay interferences, including biotin* 


Atellica Solution high-sensitivity troponin I results in 10 minutes

The Atellica® Solution’s streamlined STAT process has been shown to deliver actionable high-sensitivity troponin I results in 10 minutes.

Siemens Healthineers is proud to offer high-sensitivity troponin I across multiple systems, including the Atellica® IM Analyzer, ADVIA Centaur® System, Dimension® EXL™ Integrated Systems, and Dimension Vista® Intelligent Lab Systems.

All Siemens Healthineers High-Sensitivity Troponin I Assays meet the AACC
Academy/IFCC C-CB guidelines for high-sensitivity troponin assays1

Over the past 20 years the analytical sensitivity and precision of cardiac troponin (cTn) assays have improved for very low cTn concentrations. Compared to traditional cTn assays, high-sensitivity troponin I (hs-cTnI) assays can detect lower levels of troponin and smaller changes to a patient’s troponin levels, which may be an early indication of AMI.

A new literature compendium features recent articles offering guidance on the use of hs-cTnI assays, with respect to assay type (POC vs. central lab), sex-specific cutoffs, serial testing, single-test rule-out, and reporting units.

These studies show that the Siemens Healthineers high-sensitivity troponin I assays are proven, true high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I assays that provide fast, accurate, and actionable test results.

See the results of these studies and the realized benefits to patients and hospitals.

A recent study described the clinical characteristics of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) ruled-out patients placed in observation/inpatient beds (OBS/ADM) vs. those with an ED discharge (EDD) using the HIGH-US 0/1 hour (h) study algorithm, and the cardiac testing and interventions that were completed in the group placed in OBS/ADM.

For patients at very low risk for AMI within 30 days, those with a history of coronary artery disease (CAD), stroke, hypertension, or having an abnormal ECG, or a family history of CAD were more likely placed in OBS/ADM than EDD. Decisions to admit or place patients in observation could be reduced based on the prognosis for these patients and the 0/1 h rapid algorithm. This would lead to shorter lengths of hospital stay and fewer patients receiving further unnecessary cardiac procedures.

The observational findings from the HIGH-US multicenter study suggest that most patients presenting to the ED with symptoms suspicious for AMI but meeting the rapid rule-out AMI criteria using a hs-cTnI 0/1-hour algorithm might be managed as outpatients.

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