syngo Fly Through provides virtual endoluminal views of hollow structures.
syngo Fly Through
Features & Benefits
Clinical Applications
Fast and comprehensive evaluation of hollow structures like trachea, bronchi, blood vessels. Useful in assessment of structures or any kind of masses impacting the patency of these hollow structures.
- Automatic Path Planning (requires 3D Processing Option)
- High-quality rendering mode using light source
- Optimized performance for real-time fly-through to complex anatomic regions
- External and internal (endoscopic) views using multiple-color surface shaded display blended with 3D volume-rendered image
- External view shows anatomical objects and virtual endoscope plus an oblique MPR correlated with the endoscope overlay
- Color Surface Shaded Display (SSD) endoscopic view showing internal anatomy blended with VRT volume image
- Additional slice or oblique MPR display either perpendicular or parallel to, and correlated with the endoscope
- Virtual endoscope with adjustable size and field of view
- Automatic endoscope navigation to a defined destination point, or interactive navigation using simulated endoscope controls
- Interactive path planning on any viewport
- Collision detection system that prevents endoscope penetrating object walls: provides simple control, and helps assessment of viability of real endoscopy
- Endoscopic series storable to patient database
Data Sheet
General Requirements
- SOMATOM Scope Power 32 eco
Minimum Software Version
(one of following)
syngo CT VC28
syngo CT VA50A
Please Note: Additional technical pre-requisites may apply. Upon receiving your request, your local Siemens representative will clarify whether your system meets the requirements.
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