Biograph HorizonAmplie seu alcance

Proporcione cuidados de alta qualidade para mais pacientes. O Biograph Horizon™₁ proporciona flexibilidade para diferentes aplicações clínicas ao introduzir novas tecnologias eficientes com baixo custo de investimento. Projetado com as tecnologias mais avançadas no segmento de PET/CT, o Biograph Horizon oferece um excelente desempenho em um atrativo nível de investimento.

  • Alcance mais pacientes
  • Otimize seu tempo
  • Crie mais oportunidades

Características e Benefícios

The demand for value-based care continues to grow. In response, healthcare providers are finding new ways to improve care pathways while driving down long-term asset costs. Biograph Horizon2 helps you offset these expenses, expand your clinical capabilities and simplify your operations.

Reach more patients

Clinical Versatility
Use all commercially available PET tracers to address a broader range of oncology, neurology and cardiac indications. With premium LSO-based detectors and Time-of-Flight technology, you can go beyond the capabilities of BGO-based3 PET/CT scanners for high count-rate applications.

Lung cancer
Data courtesy of Praxis Für Fusionierte Bildgebung, Halle, Germany.
Parameters: Weight: 80 kg; injected dose: 326 MBq; 8 beds, 2 min./bed.

Catch smaller lesions, earlier
Biograph Horizon’s high image quality supports early identification of distant metastasis, leading to a more accurate disease staging. These factors can help physicians determine an effective treatment strategy, reducing costs and patient side effects related to ineffective therapies.

To help you visualize small lesions, Biograph Horizon features a combination of technologies that enhance image quality and productivity.

syngo.via for Molecular Imaging
syngo.via® offers a suite of automated tools to instantly visualize diagnostic information, measure with confidence and report more comprehensively across a number of applications.

For example, with EQ•PET4 you can normalize SUV measurements across different scanners throughout your patients’ extended treatment plan for more precise calculation of changes in tumor uptake.

Do more with your time

Enhanced Productivity
Help your staff focus on what matters most: your patients. Biograph Horizon offers protocol-based exams to support a more standardized workflow and is equipped with built-in capabilities that automate routine tasks.

Value of patient satisfaction
Experience of a 370-bed hospital system prior to implementing workflow efficiencies.
The Advisory Board Company, iRound for Patient Experience, 2015.

A better workflow can lead to more satisfied patients
New efficiencies do more than free up staff time and reduce costs. They are seen and felt by the patients who have a simpler, faster, more positive experience at your facility. Biograph Horizon streamlines your day-to-day work, giving you more time to focus on your patients.

syngo.via offers up to 45%5 faster processing
Start reading your cases right away. syngo.via automates pre-fetching, pre-processing, and display and comparison of previous findings. And syngo.via’s ALPHA technology features automatic registration with exclusive organ-based recognition capabilities.

Create more opportunity

Financial Performance
Built to run as efficiently as possible, to reduce operating costs and to extend the economic life of your system, Biograph Horizon supports your business. Offering the standard in PET/CT technology at an attractive total cost of ownership, your scanner has the flexibility to grow with you.

Financial performance
9 Quantification based on Siemens ticket hour statistics from active Guardian-capable systems in global installed base of AX, CT, MR and MI business units from FY2013.

A smart investment with a small footprint
Never compromise quality in pursuit of lowering your costs. Biograph Horizon offers investment protection that supports your clinical needs and helps create new efficiencies with each scan. As the smallest8 PET/CT system on the market, you can minimize your initial capital investment, while low operating and maintenance costs help keep your overhead expenses under control.

syngo.via Molecular Imaging Workplace
Configured specifically for Biograph Horizon, syngo.via Molecular Imaging Workplace6 is a cost-effective image processing solution that can expand to meet your clinical needs.

Detalhes técnicos

The finer points of a high-quality image

The value of PET/CT in patient care is in the details—more precise information leads to greater potential for an earlier diagnosis and a more definitive treatment strategy.

Our PET/CT technology foundation delivers excellent lesion detectability, spatial resolution and quantification accuracy. With this distinct level of quality and reproducibility, you can bring the standard of care to more patients.

Technology Foundation

The crystals
Siemens’ unique LSO crystals are grown in-house for consistent quality. Compared to BGO crystals3, they scintillate faster and have a higher light output, providing better image quality and enabling Time-of-Flight.

The detector
The smaller the crystals, the sharper the image. Biograph Horizon2’s OptisoHD detectors feature LSO crystals cut into 4 mm elements and arranged with no gaps between detector blocks to provide very high spatial resolution and lesion visualization.

Biograph Horizon’s LSO-based detectors and high-speed electronics support Time-of-Flight6 for improved signal-to-noise ratio. This enables faster scans, lower injected dose and better image quality.

World-class CT
Siemens’ market-leading CT technologies further enhance your imaging capabilities. They also give you the ability to scan a wider variety of patients and more fully utilize your system. For example, SAFIRE6 lowers dose by up to 60%7, and iMAR6 reduces metal artifacts.


Up to 200% improvement in signal-to-noise ratio and image contrast

UltraHD•PET6 + TrueV

A combination of technologies that offers the potential for 5-minute and 5 mCi PET scans


CT iterative reconstruction for up to 60% lower dose

Bariatric Imaging and Long Scan Range

Wide pallet supports up to 227 kg (500 lbs) and allows 2 m scan ranges

Exclusive Bed Design

Zero differential deflection between PET and CT for accurate attenuation correction, and TG-66 compliant for radiation therapy

Shortest8 Tunnel

130 cm tunnel improves patient comfort and allows more room for patient positioning


TrueV increases the axial field of view to enable two-times faster scans or half the injected dose, as well as more coverage, without compromising image quality

Integrated Cardiac and Respiratory Gating6

All gating inputs are built into the patient table for fast patient setup

4 MM LSO Crystals

Better image quality and greater NEMA spatial resolution than BGO crystals8