MAGNETOM Sola – první 1,5T MR systém s technologií BioMatrix – se automaticky přizpůsobuje biologické proměnlivosti pacienta, aby zamezil neodůvodněným variacím při MR vyšetření. Výsledkem je menší počet opakovaných skenování, předvídatelné plánování a konzistentní, vysoce kvalitní personalizovaná vyšetření se zvýšenou produktivitou. MAGNETOM Sola s technologií BioMatrix počítá s lidskou individualitou a rozšiřuje precizní medicínu.
MAGNETOM SolaPoskytne péči každému při 1,5 T
Features & Benefits
Embrace full 1.5T performance with Tim 4G coil portfolio and BioMatrix Technology
MAGNETOM Sola achieves a new level of consistency with BioMatrix technology and meets throughput demands with high efficiency - together with our unique Tim 4G coil portfolio. The result: fewer rescans, higher diagnostic confidence, predictable patient scheduling, and consistent, high-quality personalized exams.
Embrace true 1.5T productivity with Turbo Suite and GO Technologies
For routine MR examinations, reimbursements are falling and referrals are increasing due to changing demographics. MAGNETOM Sola, with syngo MR XA platform, embraces efficiency at 1.5T and makes push-button examinations a clinical reality. GO technologies help you accelerate the entire workflow from patient positioning to result distribution, powered by artificial intelligence.
Enhance your efficiency to optimize clinical operations with our Turbo Suite packages. Reduce the total exam time by up to 50%² with unique parallel imaging, Simultaneous Multi-Slice, and Compressed Sensing technologies that are tailored to your clinical needs. Setting the pace in MR acceleration.
Embrace new 1.5T clinical capabilities with Inline Compressed Sensing
With MAGNETOM Sola, grant patients access to MRI that previously had to be excluded because of their medical condition or due to the exam’s complexity. Free-breathing Compressed Sensing applications help improve the patient experience, while extending your range of services. Significantly simplified procedures with automated workflow strengthen clinical fields with growth potential such as whole-body MRI.
Clinical Use
Prostate imaging
- Body 18
- BioMatrix Spine 32
T1 MPRAGE with tiltable BioMatrix Head/Neck 20 coil
- BioMatrix Head/Neck 20- Tilt 18°
RESOLVE Diffusion with tiltable BioMatrix Head/Neck 20 coil
- BioMatrix Head/Neck 20 - Tilt 18°
T2 TSE with tiltable BioMatrix Head/Neck 20 coil
- BioMatrix Head/Neck 20 - Tilt 18°
Foot/Ankle imaging with Simultaneous Multi-Slice TSE
- UltraFlex Large 18
Knee imaging with Simultaneous Multi-Slice TSE
- UltraFlex Large 18
Compressed Sensing GRASP-VIBE
- Body 18
- BioMatrix Spine 32
MRCP with 3D T2w SPACE
- Body 18
- BioMatrix Spine 243
BioMatrix Beat Sensor
Segmented Cardiac Cine 4-chamber view with BioMatrix Beat Sensor2.
- Body 123
- BioMatrix Spine 243
BioMatrix Beat Sensor
Segmented Cardiac Cine short axis with BioMatrix Beat Sensor2.
- Body 123
- BioMatrix Spine 243
Easy, push-button workflow with Whole-body Dot Engine
- BioMatrix Head/Neck 20
- BioMatrix Spine 32
- 2x Body 18
High-resolution breast MRI
- Breast BI 7
Prostate imaging
- Body 18
- BioMatrix Spine 32
T1 MPRAGE with tiltable BioMatrix Head/Neck 20 coil
- BioMatrix Head/Neck 20- Tilt 18°
RESOLVE Diffusion with tiltable BioMatrix Head/Neck 20 coil
- BioMatrix Head/Neck 20 - Tilt 18°
T2 TSE with tiltable BioMatrix Head/Neck 20 coil
- BioMatrix Head/Neck 20 - Tilt 18°
Foot/Ankle imaging with Simultaneous Multi-Slice TSE
- UltraFlex Large 18
Knee imaging with Simultaneous Multi-Slice TSE
- UltraFlex Large 18
Compressed Sensing GRASP-VIBE
- Body 18
- BioMatrix Spine 32
MRCP with 3D T2w SPACE
- Body 18
- BioMatrix Spine 243
BioMatrix Beat Sensor
Segmented Cardiac Cine 4-chamber view with BioMatrix Beat Sensor2.
- Body 123
- BioMatrix Spine 243
BioMatrix Beat Sensor
Segmented Cardiac Cine short axis with BioMatrix Beat Sensor2.
- Body 123
- BioMatrix Spine 243
Easy, push-button workflow with Whole-body Dot Engine
- BioMatrix Head/Neck 20
- BioMatrix Spine 32
- 2x Body 18
High-resolution breast MRI
- Breast BI 7
Prostate imaging
- Body 18
- BioMatrix Spine 32