Siemens Healthineers Biograph mCT PET/CT nuclear medicine scanner

Biograph mCT

Víc než jen široký tunel

Se skenerem Biograph™ mCT můžete rozšířit svůj potenciál a vyšetřit více pacientů. Vysoký standard zobrazování a klinická flexibilita tohoto PET/CT systému přispějí k rozvoji vašeho pracoviště.


Inteligentní přístrojová platforma pro PET/CT.

  • Buďte efektivnější
  • Personalizujte skeny
  • Standardizujte vyšetření

Features & Benefits

Siemens Healthineers Biograph mCT
    Siemens PETCT scanner technology foundation infographic

    The value of PET/CT is in the details -- more precise information leads to greater potential for an earlier diagnosis and a more definitive treatment strategy, helping to improve patient outcomes. Our entire product portfolio is built on technology that all together adds up to more. Our wide range of features expand your clinical capabilities and deliver excellent lesion detectability, spatial resolution, and quantification accuracy -- letting you bring a high standard of care to more patients.

    Man laying on Biograph mCT scanner bed aided by tech

    Streamline user experience and address a broader patient population with design purposefully built on our key technologies. A large 78 cm bore, short 135 cm tunnel and 227 kg (500 lb) table capacity support the examination of a heavier patient population, allow for easier patient positioning, offer space for additional therapy accessories and help increase patient comfort.

    Child sitting the bore opening of Biograph mCT scanner

    Biograph mCT is configured to address challenging patient situations, giving you the opportunity to maximize your return on investment. A remarkably scalable PET/CT platform, it's designed to evolve with your business, helping you to attract referrals now and well into the future.

    Tech assisting a female patient getting scanned on a Biograph mCT

    Biograph mCT may include features such as FlowMotion continuous bed motion and TrueV1, which increases the axial field of view to enable two times faster scans or half the injected dose without compromising image quality. Other available features like time of flight1 show up to 200% improvement in signal to-noise ratio2 for better image quality, lower dose or faster scan speed.

    Technical Specifications



    Bore diameter:

    78 cm

    Tunnel length:

    136 cm

    Table capacity:

    227 kg (500 lb)



    Generator power:

    80 kW, 100 kW*   

    Rotation times: 

    1.0, 0.5, 0.33, 0.30*, 0.28* s 

    Tube voltages:

    70, 80, 100, 120, 140 kV    

    Iterative reconstruction:


    Metal artifact reduction:



    40, 64, 128     



    Axial field of view:

    16.4, 22.1* cm

    Crystal size:

    4 x 4 x 20 mm

    Time of flight performance:

    540 ps
