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MRI UpgradesUpgradeability. With MAGNETOM.

Healthcare systems worldwide are under pressure. In this demanding world of healthcare economics we are committed to your investment security. As the innovation leader in MRI it is our responsibility to keep our customers at the forefront of MRI technology by developing upgrade paths to our newest technologies. Powerful upgrades are available for your MAGNETOM® system. So you can stay always secure, always ahead. Today, and for years to come.

Experience how to keep pace with the latest innovations. Discover leading solutions for each business need. Redefine your MRI system with software and hardware upgrades. And benefit from the key technologies Tim® (Total imaging matrix), Dot® (Day optimizing throughput), and Tim 4G, the 4th generation of Tim. Upgrading your MAGNETOM system will help you enter new clinical and research areas and strengthen your leadership in MRI. Welcome to the future of MRI!

System Upgrades (incl. Tim 4G and Dot)

Upgrade your MAGNETOM systems and make use of Siemens latest technological advances. Your benefits at a glance: Faster scanning, significantly higher image quality, better consistency, ease-of-use and reproducibility, as well as new application possibilities.

Upgrade your:
MAGNETOM Trio, A Tim System to the new MAGNETOM Prismafit 1
MAGNETOM Verio to the new MAGNETOM Skyrafit
MAGNETOM Avanto to the new MAGNETOM Avantofit
With Tim 4G and Dot.


Dot is a new way of scanning in MRI – a better way. Dot scanning uses a suite of customizable engines. Allowing the user to personalize exams according to patient needs, build in step-by-step user guidance, and automate MRI exams – either "out of the box" or based on the institution's standards. The result: Increased consistency and reproducibility, greater ease-of-use, and up to 50% increase in productivity.2

Upgrade your:
MAGNETOM Avanto, A Tim System
MAGNETOM Verio, A Tim System
With Dot.

Dr. Jochen Hansmann

“The Avanto is such a good system, it was at first hard to believe that it could be improved. But the Dot upgrade has done that.“3

Dr. Jochen Hansmann
Chief Radiologist
Theresien Hospital Mannheim, Germany


Tim Upgrades

Tim integrated coil technology changed MRI forever and has set the standard in MRI. With excellent image quality and fast acquisition speed, the proven technology is now in over 8,000 installations. Whole-body coverage means no repositioning for multiple exams and more exams per day. Your benefits at a glance: Exceptional image quality, faster acquisition and exam time, as well as higher SNR.

Upgrade your:
With Tim.

Prim. Prof. Dr. Franz A. Fellner

“With the Tim Upgrade for my MAGNETOM Symphony the image quality was increasing significantly. The results of the upgrade were exceeding our expectations.“3
Prim. Prof. Dr. Franz A. Fellner
Director of Radiology
General Hospital Linz, Austria