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MAMMOMAT RevelationSee the difference. Make the difference.

In breast care, seeing the difference can make the difference in a woman’s life. Reveal all that matters with MAMMOMAT Revelation. Achieve the highest depth resolution with the unique 50° HD Breast Tomosynthesis. Leverage precision patient care with Insight BD direct breast density measurement, which allows instant risk stratification – before the patient leaves. And with our Personalized Soft Compression you can address your patient's concerns about discomfort in a unique way.

  • Advance screening and diagnostic results – with high diagnostic accuracy
  • Elevate patient experience – with smart automation
  • Innovate care delivery – designed for excellence today and tomorrow

Features & Benefits

Make the difference in breast imaging

There are moments in a woman’s life that have the power to change its future course. In mammography, seeing the difference can make the difference to this future. Your patients put their trust in you – reveal all that matters with the new MAMMOMAT Revelation.

Prevent missing a lesion, overdiagnosing or making unnecessary recalls

Efficiently make confident decisions using our unique 50° wide-angle tomosynthesis combined with the latest technological trends.

Make the invisible visible
Make all anatomical details clearly visible with the highest depth resolution2 using our unique 50° wide-angle technology – in HD Breast Tomosynthesis1 and HD Breast Biopsy1.

Standardize image quality
Get high-quality breast images every time for each patient, with the intelligent algorithms for automated parameter settings as well as unique system-guided compression.

Get more than just another view
Gain more insight with the first synthetic visualization of tomosynthesis volumes in both 2D and 3D. Get the real 3D1 feeling with our unique Insight 3D: It speeds up your tomo reading and supports easier analysis of microcalcifications at a glance3.

Rely on exact density assessment
Visual classification of breast density can be challenging. With Insight Breast Density1 you can be sure: It offers 100% objective, volumetric classification for instant risk stratification right at the acquisition workstation.

Prevent missing a lesion, overdiagnosing or making unnecessary recalls

Offer a relaxing atmosphere: smart automation and the unique MoodLight1 help soothe anxiety and put patients at ease.

Personalize compression for optimal results
Reduce patient discomfort and achieve consistent breast image quality with Personalized Soft Compression1: The optimal compression is automatically adjusted for each woman.

Enhance patient comfort
Having soft edges and a breast-optimized shape, our SoftComp Paddles1 allow for easy positioning and offer high comfort.

Reduce unnecessary steps
Our one-click philosophy: select the patient and start the examination with one click. All parameters are set automatically and the procedure moves from step to step.


Speed up your biopsy workflow with integrated specimen scanner.

A safe investment: adapt MAMMOMAT Revelation any time to match your clinical needs – and offer patients personalized care.

Offer your patients certainty
Excellent imaging for diagnostic accuracy: our 50° wide-angle tomosynthesis has shown a 41.5% higher cancer detection rate for invasive cancer4 with 1-view tomo only5

Attract more women for screening
Ease pain by reducing compression force by up to 50%4 in tomo. And offer patients low-dose examinations with up to 30% less dose6 in 2D with PRIME.

Streamline your clinical workflow
With intuitive one-click targeting in HD Breast Biopsy1 and the integrated specimen scanner InSpect1 you speed up your biopsy workflow.

Stay at the forefront of clinical developments
Get additional diagnostic information fast with our Titanium Contrast Enhanced Mammography (TiCEM)1, a cost-effective alternative to MRI as an adjunct examination.

Clinical Use

Watch the clinical workflow of a tomosynthesis guided breast biopsy procedure with MAMMOMAT Revelation.

Learn how Titanium Contrast Enhanced Mammography (TiCEM) can expand your diagnostic insight.

Professor Uhlenbrock talks about the advantages and limitations of the new technology in clinical everyday routine.

Gain more insight with our synthetic visualization of tomosynthesis volumes in both 2D and 3D. See for yourself!

Ritse MannDepartment of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Radboudumc Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Dr. Wayne Lemish, Melbourne, Australia

See for yourself that a wide-angle system provides clearer images for reliable breast cancer diagnoses than a narrow-angle one.

Dr. Wayne Lemish, Melbourne, Australia

Tomosynthesis images were first acquired with a narrow-angle system and then retaken with a wide-angle one. See the difference!

Dr. Wayne Lemish, Melbourne, Australia

Is it a speculation or just adjacent tissue? Watch the clinical case and see how the wide-angle system provided the answer.

Dr. Wayne Lemish, Melbourne, Australia

A wide-angle 3D mammogram machine also showd a small circumscribed nodule that wasn’t visible on the narrow-angle one.

Technical Specifications

X-ray release options

Control-desk, hand-switch, and footswitch options

PRIME Technology


OpComp - optimized compression force


OpDose - optimized patient dose


DICOM Services

DICOM Query/Retrieve, DICOM Print, DICOM Storage (Send/Receive), DICOM Storage Commitment, DICOM MPPS, DICOM Worklist Management

HD Breast Tomosynthesis1
Make confident diagnostic decisions using our unique 50° wide-angle tomosynthesis. It provides the highest depth resolution2 – which is key for tissue separation in 3D mammography.

Insight 2D and 3D1
Reduce dose by up to 40% when using Insight 2D instead of FFDM as an adjunct to tomosynthesis3. Because it looks similar to a mammogram, it is ideal for easy comparison with prior images. Our unique Insight 3D provides you with the real 3D feeling: see microcalcifications at a glance and easily communicate findings to peers and patients.

HD Breast Biopsy
Profit from our unique 50° wide-angle technology that results in a target accuracy of +/- 1mm, and reduce your biopsy procedure time thanks to easy one-click targeting. And stay flexible: because you can use the biopsy device you prefer.

InSpect – Integrated Specimen Tool1
Save time and costs: get your specimen scan within just 20 seconds right on the mammography system.

Insight BD – Breast Density assessment1
Benefit from instant risk stratification right at the acquisition workstation with 100% objective, volumetric breast density assessment - for FFDM and tomosynthesis.

TiCEM – Titanium Contrast Enhanced Mammography1
Receive additional diagnostic information in order to confidently detect or rule out lesions. TiCEM can be used as a cost-effective diagnostic alternative to MRI, while it reduces scheduling conflicts and workload on other modalities. The optimized titanium filter reduces x-ray tube load for seamless examinations.

Personalized Soft Compression1
Reduce patient discomfort and achieve consistent image quality with Personalized Soft Compression: the optimal compression is automatically adjusted for each woman. The soft edges and breast-optimized shape of the SoftComp Paddles provide better access for easier positioning and higher patient comfort.

Enhance patient experience using our calming MoodLight. With a wide selection of colors and our elegant system design you create a relaxing atmosphere.

PRIME Technology
Reduce dose by up to 30%6 without compromising image quality using the world’s first software based anti-scatter solution for mammography. Sliding back the mechanical grid means there is no longer a fixed object absorbing radiation between breast and detector, so you can utilize 100% of the primary radiation –and achieve lower overall dose levels.