MRI patient experienceComfort. Speed. Entertainment. MRI.

Most patients who undergo an MRI scan experience some level of anxiety. As a result, some move so much that they cause motion artifacts, can’t complete the scan, or don’t even show up for the exam. This all results in increased health risks and additional costs. Help patients overcome anxiety by turning MRI into a comfortable, fast, and entertaining experience that is in-sync with modern-day demands. Set up a relaxing atmosphere with calming design elements. Create a comfort zone for patients and ease their anxiety with entertainment and noise reduction. Unique applications can also accelerate the exam and support your staff in delivering fast and fluid scans.

  • Prepare patients according to their needs
  • Create a patient comfort zone
  • Ease patients’ anxiety
  • Scan patients fast and fluid

Prepare patients according to their needs

Patients that can mentally prepare for the exam experience less anxiety. The Patient Education Toolkit offers materials for different coping strategies.

Discover more patient education materials in various languages and download them here:

Create a patient comfort zone

MRI exams can be uncomfortable and noisy. Put your patients at ease with our comprehensive patient comfort  offerings that turn MRI into a comfort zone, including Quiet Suite, soft and ultra-lightweight coils, and positioning aids that raise your patients’ comfort level.

Ease patients’ anxiety

In the bore, patients can feel claustrophobic and tense because they don’t know what’s going on. Educate them before the exam starts using a mini MRI scanner mock-up or MRI models. You can also entertain your patients with infotainment solutions that redefine the MRI experience.

MAGNETOM Mini Scanner

MAGNETOM Mini Scanner Mock-up

Let patients see, hear, and feel an MRI scan with our MAGNETOM Mini Scanner Mock-up. The MAGNETOM Mini Scanner Mock-up comes with a sliding table top that can be manually moved in and out of the bore. The MAGNETOM Mini Scanner Mock-up also features two buttons that, when pressed, will play pre-recorded sounds of three different MRI sequences.


  • Educate anxious patients on the imaging process
  • MRI imaging sounds are generated at the press of a button

Scan patients fast and fluid

Patients who feel uncomfortable during a scan will sometimes move or breathe when they shouldn’t. Scan your patients fast and fluid with clinical applications that complete the MRI exam much faster than conventional methods. Personalize scanning by offering MRI with free-breathing exams for patients who are unable to hold their breath. Provide your staff with our GO Technologies, which make scanning fast, more intuitive and consistent across your scanner fleet.

Accelerate your MRI workflow with BioMatrix and GO Technologies
Transform care delivery with BioMatrix and GO technologies for an optimized MRI workflow. From patient preparation to result distribution, these new technologies efficiently streamline your clinical operations by using intuitive and AI-based technologies.

Embrace human nature with BioMatrix Technology
Patients have unique individual characteristics: biovariabilities. Different physiologies and anatomies – as well as the way we interact with them and technology – cause unwarranted variations in imaging results. BioMatrix Technology helps overcome these challenges by embracing human nature: Instead of expecting patients to adjust to the technology, BioMatrix automatically adjusts to the individual patient. Only by embracing human nature can we truly personalize examinations and help expand precision medicine.

Turbo Suite

Setting the pace in MR acceleration with Turbo Suite
With rising patient volumes in the face of falling reimbursement, there is a clear need for greater efficiency. At the same time, the quality of exam results should not diminish. We are committed to help you transform care delivery by significantly shortening entire examinations for the whole spectrum of clinical MRI with Turbo Suite. Tailored to your clinical needs, Turbo Suite is comprised of three packages with unique MR acceleration techniques, i.e., CAIPRINHA, Simultaneous Multi-Slice, and Compressed Sensing, which help you accelerate complete exams by up to 50 %2.