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MRI Prostate - Body - Cardiac

Cardiovascular MRIEfficient, reliable, ready.

Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is the current gold standard for imaging cardiac anatomy, function, and advanced myocardial tissue characterization. As such, CMR is a powerful tool which can offer both diagnostic and prognostic insight into many complex cardiac conditions.

With innovative applications for highly accelerated CMR exams in free-breathing, imaging for patients prone to susceptibility artifacts and now CMR without ECG, Siemens Healthineers is working to bring the benefits of CMR to an ever broader range of patients.

Beat Sensor1 – a BioMatrix Technology

Complete cardiac MRI exams without ECG leads. Improving your workflow and patient experience.


  • Speed up your cardiac MRI workflow
  • Increase patient comfort
  • Reduce cost and waste

<p>Evelien Demeyer, Radiographer </p>

Our dedicated MRI Scanner

MAGNETOM Sola Cardiovascular Edition

Outcome relevant decisions – redefining patient pathways

MAGNETOM Sola Cardiovascular Edition automatically adjusts to patient biovariability to overcome unwarranted variations in cardiac MRI examinations.

  • Free breathing exams with Compressed Sensing Cardiac Cine
  • Tissue characterization with MyoMaps and HeartFreeze
  • Extending CMR for challenging patients with High Bandwidth Inversion Recovery
  • Consistent results, fast with BioMatrix Beat Sensor and myExam Cardiac Assist

Cardiac Applications

Clinical Use


Fill up the form below if you'd like to learn more.
