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Image-guided valve deployment in the Hybrid OR

Cardiac SurgeryProcedural intelligence at the heart of surgery

As a cardiac surgeon, you deal with a lot of challenges: judging the risks of a procedure, determining patients’ tolerance for contrast media, and anticipating reinterventions and follow-up procedures.

Our imaging systems with procedural intelligence allow you to address these challenges. You can optimize clinical outcomes for every patient thanks to continuous image guidance, optimized image quality at the lowest possible dose, and standardized workflow steps. Whether you are positioning valves, performing bypass surgery, or placing stent grafts, our systems are the ideal enabler for minimally invasive treatment in the Hybrid OR.

Hybrid OR imaging solutions help optimize clinical operations in the Hybrid OR, enabling precision valve placement with standardized workflow steps.

Procedural intelligence helps double the quality of valve positioning

Our imaging systems help standardize your TAVI procedures by simplifying image acquisition, automating planning, guiding valve deployment, and enabling immediate verification.

Procedural intelligence helps lower the MACCE rate by up to 16%

Our Hybrid OR solutions are suitable for hybrid coronary revascularization procedures, allowing you to improve treatment of multivessel coronary heart disease. Hybrid coronary revascularization is a minimally invasive approach that combines the durability and survival advantage of the LIMA-LAD graft with PCI for the non-LAD vessels, potentially reducing the cumulative MACCE rate2,3. With real-time image stabilization during stent deployment and material-sensitive imaging at the lowest reasonable dose, our systems empower you to provide optimal treatment for every patient.

The University Hospital of Giessen and Marburg (UKGM) was the first to use ARTIS pheno for cardiology and cardio-vascular surgery. As a full-service provider, the UKGM serves a local population of about 300,000. Prof. Bernhard Schieffer, MD, is the director of the Clinic of Cardiology, Angiology and Intensive Care at the University Hospital in Marburg. We asked him about his initial experience with ARTIS pheno after the first month of operation.

Interview with Prof. Bernhard Schieffer

Interview with Prof. Bernhard Schieffer, MD, Director of Cardiology, University Hospital Marburg, Germany, May 10, 2017.

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