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Syngo Carbon animated

Syngo Carbon Pathology1From implementation to clinical routine and beyond

Digital Pathology Enterprise Access Screen

Pathology is at the forefront of diagnosis and a major contributor to treatment decisions. But pathology departments are facing serious challenges: increasing caseloads and complexity, while experiencing growing staff shortages. Embarking on a transformative journey to digital pathology can help you attract and retain talent, improve the quality of patient care, and remain competitive in the long term.

Siemens Healthineers has long been a pioneer in the healthcare digitalization space. We have watched radiologists move from light rooms to workstations and helped them find new and exciting ways to make healthcare more equitable for the patients. With our long history in digitalization, we now want to do the same by enabling digital pathology and helping pathologists move from the microscope to the workstation, where they can begin to benefit from state-of-the-art technologies such as artificial intelligence.

Explore how we can support you with our in-depth expertise on your path to digital pathology. And learn more about our solutions and partners.

Customizable workflows that are scalable

Empower your pathology department

Breaking down departmental silos

    Digital workflows

    Digitalization in pathology goes beyond digitalizing an image. To take full advantage of digitalization, you need a solution that is scalable and adapts to your reporting processes and systems. One that leverages the data from other departments and ensures that all relevant information is accessible to everyone, everywhere – increasing your staff’s productivity without increasing their workload.

    Data management

    Large data volume in digital pathology

    Digital pathology is a game-changer in diagnostic imaging – but it comes with a big challenge: data growth. The average study size of a pathology set is extremely large. The growing volume of data can put a significant strain on the IT infrastructure, making it difficult to efficiently review and diagnose patient cases. As a result, you need a highly effective solution to ensure optimal data management.

    Data management strategy for digital pathology

    A robust Image and Data Management (IDM) system is required to handle the vast amount of data generated by digital pathology. An IDM that supports the efficient collection, storage, and analysis of patient data, and puts the patient, rather than departments, at the center – for example, to avoid delays and duplicate testing. It should also allow you to easily access and review the information you need without clogging the archive with unnecessary data. In addition, effective data management needs to ensure that patient data is secure at all times, in compliance with relevant regulations and standards.

    Data accessibility

    Seamless data accessibility with digital pathology

    When digitalizing data, it is important to ensure that the data is de-siloed, enriched, actionable, and open. You need strong interfaces to connect with the colleagues you need to connect with. Digital pathology provides you with the information you need to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a patient to make confident decisions. It also helps make you and your work more visible to other departments – to become more profitable and attract more customers.

    Maximizing the value of digitalization

    Breaking down silos: A digital solution should be open and able to interact with other systems such as the electronic health record (EHR) – so you can securely access the patient data you need, easily collaborate with peers, and significantly reduce the time to diagnosis. With Syngo Carbon for Pathology, you can create a connected network between all stakeholders.

    Gain a holistic patient view with digital pathology

    General Practitioner

    Access a patient’s medical history from the GP beyond the current clinical case to gain a holistic view of the patient.

    Access radiology data with digital pathology


    Access radiology data with annotations, such as the exact location of a biopsy needle or the shape of a mamma carcinoma or a sarcoma.

    Share your digital pathology data across the enterprise


    Make your data accessible across the enterprise to speed up the diagnostic process, make informed treatment decisions, and improve patient outcomes.

    Products & Solutions

    Products and solutions for digital pathology

    Our state-of-the-art products and solutions will help you digitalize your pathology department efficiently. We can offer you high-speed scanners, for example, from our partner Hamamatsu. The front-end software, Concentriq® AP-Dx2, is provided by our partner Proscia. This is all brought together for our customers by Syngo Carbon3, which maintains enterprise imaging data management and provides Enterprise Access to all the necessary data sources across the hospital.

    One service partner

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