The first Free Light Chain assay for evaluation of MGUSThe Siemens Healthineers N Latex FLC Assay for the evaluation of patients with MGUS*

In this 5-minute presentation, learn more about MGUS from Dr. Derek C. Lenz, as he discusses the BN™ II nephelometer and N Latex Free Light Chain (FLC) Assay.

Free light chains, kappa (κ) lambda (λ), are produced by plasma cells and known to be an important marker in patients with Multiple Myeloma and AL Amyloidosis. The precursor condition to Multiple Myeloma is called Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS) and although these individuals are not immediately treated, they are closely monitored due to their risk of progression to Multiple Myeloma.8

Graphic showing the N Latex FLC Assay Difference

The N Latex FLC assay for Free Light Chains uses multiple monoclonal antibodies for detection and is reported to have no false positive κ/λ ratios in patients with renal impairment5-7. Since renal impairment may confound MGUS diagnosis, the low false positive rate of the N Latex FLC assay compared to other assays 5-7 provides confidence that abnormal FLC ratio is truly due to a monoclonal disorder.

Siemens N Latex FLC

The FLC Assay Competition

More consistent results (Multi-Monoclonal antibody based)

More variability (and drift, polyclonal antibodies)

Guideline recommended technology (nephelometry)

Assay is mentioned in the IMWG Guidelines, but the technology (turbidimetry) is not

NO unnecessary bone marrow biopsies (no false positives)

Unnecessary bone marrow biopsies (false positives) leading to patient discomfort and extra cost

First to be cleared for evaluation of MGUS

Cleared for evaluation of MGUS

Cost efficiencies – order only what you need

Options for automated and standalone

Options for automated and standalone

Wasted reagents – bundled kit

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