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A trusted partner in veterinary testing

Expand your veterinary diagnostic capability with a single, cost-efficient, reliable solution

Veterinarians are becoming increasingly reliant on in vitro diagnostics to help them assess multispecies health conditions and make informed decisions. Veterinary endocrinology employs immunoassays to provide quantitative measures of serum animal hormones to detect underlying pathogenesis responsible for thyroid, metabolic, anemia, and reproductive disorders.

Veterinary diagnostics has incorporated technologies and methods gained from mainstream healthcare to develop full-fledged veterinary assays. Siemens Healthineers implements the same quality standards for assay design and performance specifications as used for human-focused assays. Accurate results that drive better clinical outcomes are at the center of our commitment to veterinary medicine.

The IMMULITE® 2000/2000 XPi Immunoassay System offers cost-effectiveness, reliability, and ease of use to meet growing veterinary testing demands quickly and easily.

Veterinary endocrine disorders and assays

Canine and feline thyroid dysfunction

Thyroid disease accounts for the most common endocrine disorders in both dogs and cats. Thyroid profile testing, including TSH, free T4, and total T4, is recommended to assess thyroid status and facilitate diagnosis of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
A veterinarian wearing a lab coat holds a feline patient with its female owner at his side

IMMULITE Veterinary Free T4 Assay 

  • Accurately differentiates dogs and cats with thyroid disease, providing good precision and offering a faster turnaround time than the traditional equilibrium dialysis method (ED).
  • Accurately differentiated 80% of dogs as hypothyroid and 97% of dogs as euthyroid for an accuracy of 89% in dogs with clinical signs of hypothyroidism.1 It identified 87% of cats as hyperthyroid and 100% of cats as euthyroid for an accuracy of 89% in cats with clinical signs of hyperthyroidism.2
A male veterinarian attends to a canine patient with the help of his veterinary assistant

IMMULITE Canine Total T4 and TSH Assays 

  • Are considered useful screening tests for canine hypothyroidism. In a clinical study, results indicated that the IMMULITE Canine TSH assay demonstrated excellent specificity (100%) in confirming canine hypothyroidism.3

Canine metabolic dysfunction

Diagnostic assessment of nonspecific clinical symptoms and management of deficiency or excess endocrine disorders are significant to the health and well-being of animal species.

Measurements of trypsin-like immunoactivity are useful in the diagnosis and characterization of malabsorptive disorders of the small intestine in canines. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is a syndrome caused by insufficient synthesis and secretion of digestive enzymes by the exocrine portion of the pancreas. Clinical signs of EPI do not generally appear until as much as 90% of the pancreatic acinar function is lost.4,5


Since trypsinogen is produced and stored only by the acinar cells of the pancreas, serum TLI is an organ-specific marker.6,7 TLI may prove to be a more reliable indicator of acute pancreatitis than either amylase or lipase. The IMMULITE TLI assay:

  • Can distinguish low serum concentrations of trypsin-like immunoreactivity (trypsinogen) diagnostic for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) with an analytical sensitivity of 0.3 ng/dL.
  • Supports measurements of elevated trypsin-like immunoreactivity consistent with acute pancreatitis, renal disease, or malnutrition with a calibration range of 0–50 ng/dL.

IMMULITE Veterinary Cortisol Assay

Cortisol (hydrocortisone, compound F) is the most abundant circulating steroid and the major glucocorticoid secreted by the adrenal cortex in many animal species. Physiologically effective in anti-inflammatory activity and blood pressure maintenance, cortisol is also involved in gluconeogenesis, calcium absorption, and the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin. The IMMULITE Veterinary Cortisol assay:

  • As a measurement of cortisol level and indicator of adrenocortical function, is useful in the differential diagnosis of Addison's disease (underproduction of cortisol), Cushing's disease (overproduction of cortisol), hypopituitarism, and adrenal hyperplasia and carcinoma in animals.8
  • Supports measurements to determine cortisol levels consistent with Addison or Cushing syndrome with a calibration range of 1–50 µg/dL.

Webinar – Hypoadrenocorticism: Pinning Down the Diagnosis

Webinar – Hypoadrenocorticism: Pinning Down the Diagnosis

Join Dr. Audrey Cook as she discusses:

  • The pathophysiology, manifestations, and diagnosis of canine hyperadrenocorticism
  • When to suspect “the great pretender”
  • How to create and interpret an appropriate diagnostic plan for a dog suspected to have hypoadrenocorticism

Audrey K Cook

IMMULITE veterinary testing benefits

IMMULITE 2000XPi Immunoassay System

IMMULITE 2000/2000 XPi Immunoassay System

The IMMULITE 2000/2000 XPi Immunoassay System offers the dependable versatility you need to meet growing veterinary testing demand quickly and easily.

A single, cost-efficient, reliable solution

Reliable assay performance and quality

IMMULITE veterinary assays are designed for veterinary clinical diagnostic accuracy and offer wide analytical measuring ranges, good precision and sensitive detection capability, and minimal interferences.

Increased productivity with fast turnaround times 

Putting the IMMULITE system to work is as easy as loading the sample rack and pushing Run on the home screen. Results in as little as 35 minutes for TLI, Total T4, cortisol, and Free T4 increase productivity and efficiency and minimize send-outs.

Maximized testing with significantly smaller sample volumes

Sample volume required is less than 25 µL, which is critical for small animals with difficult draws.
Andrew Scott
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